Kurukshetra Magazine Summary

May 2024 

1.Understanding Green Technologies for the Future

 Green Technologies (Cleantech vs Greentech):

  • Focus on minimizing environmental impact, conserving resources, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Areas of scientific research: energy, environment, agriculture, materials, and water.
  • Cleantech: Improve environmental performance of existing technologies.
  • Greentech: Promote new, sustainable solutions and renewable resources.

 Types of Green Technology (4 Main Areas):

  1. Renewable Energy Sources: Solar, wind, hydro, geothermal power to reduce emissions.
  2. Sustainable Transportation: Electric vehicles, improved public transport to reduce reliance on fossil fuels.
  3. Waste Management & Recycling: Advanced recycling to minimize waste and recover valuable materials.
  4. Energy Efficiency Solutions: Energy-efficient appliances, LED lighting, smart thermostats for reduced energy consumption.

 Environmental Benefits of Green Technology:

  1. Reduced Carbon Emissions: Renewable energy sources help mitigate climate change.
  2. Energy Efficiency: Less energy use means less fossil fuel burned and lower emissions.
  3. Water Conservation: Technologies help reduce water usage in regions facing scarcity.
  4. Waste Reduction & Recycling: Advanced recycling minimizes waste and recovers valuable materials.
  5. Improved Air Quality: EVs and cleaner alternatives reduce pollutants like NOx, SO2, and particulate matter.
  6. Long-Term Sustainability: Reduces reliance on finite resources and minimizes environmental degradation for future generations.

 Economic Benefits of Green Technology:

  1. Job Creation: Renewable energy, energy efficiency, and sustainable transportation create new jobs.
  2. Market Growth & Innovation: Shift towards green tech drives innovation and market growth in clean products and services.
  3. Cost Savings: Long-term cost savings despite potentially higher initial investments.
  4. Resource Efficiency: Minimizes waste and maximizes use of renewable resources.
  5. Energy Independence: Investing in domestic renewables enhances energy security and reduces reliance on imported fossil fuels.
  6. Financial Incentives: Governments provide subsidies, tax credits, and grants to encourage green technology adoption.
  7. Resilience to Climate Change: Green technologies and infrastructure improve resilience to climate change impacts.

 Social Impact and Equity in Green Technology

Green Technology for Social Good:

  • Environmental Justice: Reduces pollution and climate change impacts on disadvantaged communities.
  • Job Creation and Training: Green jobs offer economic mobility for marginalized populations.
  • Community Resilience: Green infrastructure protects vulnerable populations from climate change.
  • Public Transportation Equity: Improves access to essential services and reduces air pollution for underserved communities.
  • Bridging the Digital Divide: Ensures equitable participation in the green economy for all.

 Key Areas of Green Technology Adoption:

  1. Renewable Energy (Solar, Wind, Hydro, Geothermal, Biomass): Reduces emissions and reliance on fossil fuels.
  2. Energy Efficiency (Appliances, Buildings, Transportation): Lowers energy consumption through advancements in insulation, lighting, and smart systems.
  3. Green Building (Sustainable Design & Construction): Minimizes environmental impact and improves occupant comfort with energy-efficient materials and systems.
  4. Sustainable Transportation (EVs, Public Transit, Cycling): Reduces emissions, air pollution, and fossil fuel dependence.
  5. Waste Management & Recycling: Minimizes landfill waste and recovers resources through advanced recycling and waste-to-energy conversion.
  6. Water Conservation & Treatment: Promotes sustainable water management with low-flow fixtures, rainwater harvesting, and desalination.
  7. Agroecology & Sustainable Agriculture: Enhances agricultural productivity while minimizing environmental impact through organic farming and soil conservation.
  8. Environmental Monitoring & Management: Tracks environmental quality, pollution levels, and informs resource management decisions.
  9. Circular Economy & Sustainable Materials: Promotes resource efficiency, recycling, and use of sustainable materials through eco-friendly product design and closed-loop manufacturing.


  • High Upfront Costs: Green technology can be expensive compared to traditional options.
  • Limited Access to Capital: Financing can be difficult, especially for small businesses and individuals.
  • Technological Limitations: Some green technologies are still under development or face limitations.
  • Regulations & Policy Barriers: Inconsistent regulations and permitting processes can hinder adoption.
  • Lack of Public Awareness: Limited understanding of green technology benefits can slow adoption.
  • Infrastructure Limitations: Lack of infrastructure (charging stations, power grids) can limit scalability.

 Policy Solutions for Green Tech Adoption:

  1. Financial Incentives: Tax breaks, grants, subsidies, and low-interest loans to reduce upfront costs.
  2. Regulatory Measures: Renewable energy targets, energy efficiency standards, emission reduction requirements.
  3. Increased R&D Funding: Invest in research to improve technology and reduce costs.
  4. Public Procurement Policies: Governments prioritizing green products and services creates market demand.
  5. Education & Outreach Programs: Raise awareness about benefits and provide training and technical assistance.
  6. Partnerships & Collaboration: Foster collaboration among governments, businesses, academia, and civil society.
  7. Capacity Building & Technical Assistance: Help businesses, communities, and governments navigate green tech adoption.
  8. Integrated Planning: Ensure policy coherence across sectors to create an enabling environment.
  9. International Cooperation: Share best practices, knowledge, and technology to address global challenges.

 International Collaboration Benefits:

  • Knowledge Sharing & Research: Collaboration accelerates innovation through shared knowledge and expertise.
  • Joint Research & Development: Pooled resources for R&D lead to breakthroughs in clean technologies.
  • Standardization & Harmonization: International cooperation establishes common standards for green technologies.
  • Policy Alignment: International agreements promote similar policies and incentives for green tech adoption globally.
  • Capacity Building: Developing countries benefit from knowledge transfer and technology transfer programs.
  • Global Impact: International collaboration ensures a coordinated response to global environmental challenges.

 Future of Green Technology:

  • Holds immense potential for innovation and sustainability.
  • Advancements in AI and digitalization offer new opportunities for resource efficiency and environmental protection.
  • Circular economy principles and decentralized energy systems can promote a more resilient and regenerative economy.


  1. Green Technologies for Clean and Renewable Energy

 Global Electricity Demand and Renewables

  • Global electricity demand to grow at 3.4% annually from 2024 to 2026.
  • 85% of this growth will come from India, China, and Southeast Asia.
  • Renewable energy sources only make up 40% of global electricity generation.
  • Energy sector is the biggest contributor to climate change, responsible for 60% of emissions.

 Global Renewable Energy Capacity

  • As of 2023, global renewable power capacity reached 3,870 GW.
  • Solar energy has the largest share at 1,419 GW.
  • Wind and hydropower follow with capacities of 1,017 GW and 1,268 GW respectively.
  • Solar, wind, nuclear, electric cars, and heat pumps avoided 2.2 billion tonnes of emissions annually between 2019 and 2023.

 Renewable Energy Scenario in India

  • India has 183.49 GW of renewable energy capacity (including large hydropower).
  • Solar energy dominates with 75.57 GW, followed by wind energy at 44.15 GW.
  • India aims for 500 GW of renewable energy capacity and 5 million tonnes of green hydrogen by 2030.
  • The country also has ambitious carbon reduction targets:
    • Reduce carbon intensity by 45% by 2030.
    • Achieve 50% renewable energy in power generation by 2030.
    • Achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2070.

 Green Technology for Clean Energy

  • Clean energy investment surged by 50% from 2019 to 2023, reaching $1.8 trillion in 2023, and is expected to grow 10% annually.
  • These advancements aim for a more efficient, cost-effective, and scalable transition to renewable energy.

 Solar Energy

  • Abundant and renewable, with more energy from sunlight in an hour than the world uses in a year.
  • Photovoltaic (PV) cells convert sunlight directly into electricity (backbone of solar power).
  • Emerging technologies:
    • Multi-junction, tandem, and perovskite-silicon hybrid cells – improve efficiency and reduce PV costs.
    • Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) – uses mirrors to focus sunlight for electricity.
      • Innovations: molten salt storage and advanced heat transfer fluids for better efficiency and storage.
    • Tandem solar cells – achieve over 30% efficiency by stacking a perovskite cell on a silicon cell.
    • PERC solar cells – generate 6-12% more energy with an extra layer at the cell’s backside.
    • Heterojunction (HJT) technology – combines materials for higher efficiency and temperature performance.
    • Vehicle-integrated photovoltaics – solar panels on vehicles reduce reliance on fossil fuels.
    • Offshore solar power – panels on water bodies conserve land, utilize water for cooling, and improve efficiency.

Wind Power

  • Grew by 13% in 2023 to a total capacity of 1,017 GW, with growth in both onshore and offshore installations.
  • Rapid innovation includes:
    • Rooftop bladeless wind turbines
    • Vertical-axis turbines
    • Floating multi-turbine technology platforms
  • Taller turbines with longer blades capture more energy even in low-wind areas.
  • Offshore wind is growing with floating turbine technology reaching stronger winds and opening new areas.
  • Vertical axis wind turbines (VAWTs) capture wind from any direction, suitable for complex wind patterns and urban areas.
  • Kite wind energy systems use large kites to capture high-altitude winds, requiring fewer resources.
  • Advancements in sensing, power electronics, generators, superconductor technology, and AI improve efficiency, maintenance, and energy production.


  • Largest renewable electricity source, generating more than all others combined.
  • Projected to grow at nearly 4% annually from 2023-2030, providing 5,500 TWh of electricity per year by 2030.
  • Advanced turbine designs are fish-friendly and work efficiently at low water velocities, reducing environmental impact and expanding usability.
  • Kinetic hydro turbines harvest energy from flowing water without dams, suitable for small-scale generation.

Nuclear Power

  • Second-largest low-carbon electricity source, with 413 GW of capacity across 32 countries.
  • Global generation forecast to grow by 3% annually through 2026.
  • Small modular reactors (SMRs) generate up to 300 MW(e) and expand access to nuclear energy, especially for small grids and integrating with renewables.
  • New reactor technologies use molten salt or liquid metals for heat transfer, enabling safer operations and lower costs.
  • Micro-reactors are very small (1-10 MW), mobile, and produce clean energy for remote areas reliant on fossil fuels.

 Energy Storage

  • Batteries are key for storing renewable energy due to their compact size and wide availability.
  • Current battery technology has limitations in cost, stability, power, and large-scale storage.

Battery Technologies

  • Lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries dominate the market (1 TWh annual demand) but are expensive.
  • Sodium-ion (Na-ion) batteries are a promising alternative due to abundant and cheaper sodium and use aluminum for safer transportation.
  • Aqueous zinc ion batteries offer safety, environmental benefits, and lower cost due to water-based electrolytes and abundant zinc.
  • Potassium-ion batteries use potassium for the anode, offering high energy density, faster energy transfer, and potentially improved safety.
  • Solid-state batteries use a solid electrolyte for improved safety, higher energy density, and faster charging compared to Li-ion batteries.
  • Redox flow batteries store energy in electrolytes, with reversible reactions for charging and discharging.


  • Derived from organic material (biomass) primarily from plants.
  • Biomass absorbs carbon through photosynthesis, releasing it during combustion, but considered near-zero-emission as it returns to the atmosphere.
  • Modern bioenergy is the largest renewable energy source globally (55% of renewables, 6% of global energy).

 Bio-Electrochemical Technologies

  • Microbial fuel cells (MFCs) convert organic matter to electricity using bacteria as catalysts (Geobacter and Shewanella species).
  • Plant-microbial fuel cells (PMFCs) utilize root exudates as a fuel source for electricity generation by bacteria in a microbial fuel cell.

 Geothermal Energy

  • Earth’s heat from radioactive decay and planetary formation.
  • Geothermal fluids exist up to 3,000 meters deep, accessed through wells.
  • Global geothermal electricity production: 14,000 MW (as of 2023).

 Geothermal Power Plants

  • Conventional: Near geysers and steam vents, targeting hydrothermal resources.
  • Next-generation: ‘Superhot rock energy’ – ultra-deep drilling for very high temperatures (400°C+), potentially meeting a significant global energy demand.
  • Medium/low-temperature: Depths of 1,500-3,000 meters, temperatures 150-300°C. Heat captured through deep drilling and fluid injection.

Green Hydrogen

  • Produced by splitting water with electrolysis using renewable energy sources, making it clean and sustainable.
  • Used in fuel cells to convert hydrogen’s chemical energy into electricity.
  • Reduces CO2 emissions and reliance on fossil fuels.
  • India’s National Green Hydrogen Mission aims to make the country a global hub for green hydrogen production and use.
  • Hydrogen storage solutions like fuel cells and electrolysis enable long-duration energy storage and transportation.



  1. Usage of Green Technology in Sustainable Water Management

Sustainable Water Management in India


  • Declining water availability due to population growth (1816 m³/capita in 2001 to 1544 m³/capita in 2011).
  • Projected water scarcity by 2050 (1140 m³/capita).
  • Water demand to outpace supply by 2030, impacting millions.
  • Potential 6% loss in GDP due to water scarcity.

 Solution: Green Technologies

Green technologies address water scarcity, pollution, and inefficient management.

  1. Water Treatment
  • Uses advanced methods (membrane filtration, ozone treatment, UV disinfection) for efficient and eco-friendly purification.
  1. Desalination
  • Converts saline water to freshwater using renewable energy sources (solar, wind) to minimize environmental impact. (e.g., Reverse Osmosis)
  1. Water Conservation
  • Promotes efficient water use through technologies like low-flow fixtures, water-saving appliances, and smart irrigation systems.
  1. Rainwater Harvesting
  • Captures and stores rainwater for irrigation, toilet flushing, and groundwater recharge. (e.g., rooftop systems, rain gardens)
  1. Greywater Recycling
  • Treats wastewater from sinks, showers, and laundry for non-potable uses, reducing freshwater demand and discharge.
  1. Constructed Wetlands
  • Mimic natural ecosystems to treat wastewater using plants, soil, and microbes, improving water quality before discharge.
  1. Smart Water Management
  • Integrates sensors, data analysis, and automation to monitor and optimize water distribution, usage, and quality in real-time, reducing water loss and enabling proactive management.

Advanced Wastewater Treatment Methods

S.No Green Technology Principles Advantages
1 Forward Osmosis Uses a special chemical solution to draw water through a membrane, leaving salt behind. The chemical is then separated from water using heat and reused. – Low energy use
2 Clathrate Desalination Traps water molecules in carbon dioxide crystals under pressure. These crystals are then broken down to release fresh water. – Low energy use
3 Dewvaporation Heats saline water to create humid air. This air is then cooled to condense fresh water. – Uses waste heat or solar energy – Cost-effective
4 Freeze Desalination Freezes saline water to separate ice crystals (fresh water) from the salt solution. The ice is then melted. – Energy and cost-effective

 Wastewater Treatment Techniques

  • Biofilters:
    • Microbes grow on a filter, forming a “biofilm” that degrades pollutants and organic matter in wastewater.
  • Bioremediation:
    • Microbes are introduced directly to wastewater sites to break down hazardous materials or convert toxins into harmless forms.
    • Cost-effective and avoids excavation/incineration.
  • Electrowinning:
    • Electric current is used to extract metals from wastewater.
    • Metals like copper, nickel, silver, and gold can be recovered.



4.Green Technologies for Sustainable Agriculture

Green technology in agriculture helps increase yield, improve product quality, maintain soil health, and adopt eco-friendly practices.

 Key Technologies:

  1. Organic Farming
  • Uses crop rotation, green manure, compost, and biological pest control.
  • Manages weeds without pesticides and soil through crop rotation.
  • Utilizes animal manure and green manure crops for fertility.
  • Minimizes environmental and human health impacts.
  • Consumer demand for organic products drives its adoption.
  1. Agroforestry
  • Integrates trees with crops or livestock on the same land.
  • Creates a dynamic system with ecological and economic benefits.
  • Diversifies and sustains production, benefiting all levels of farmers.
  • Environmentally sustainable, promoting a healthy farming environment.
  • Examples: windbreak trees, hedgerow barriers, live fences.
  1. Integrated Pest Management (IPM)
  • Sustainable approach using natural pest control mechanisms.
  • Aims to minimize ecosystem disruption and environmental risks.
  • Applicable in both urban and rural settings.
  • Uses proactive measures like disease-resistant crops and deterrents.
  • Implementation challenges include resource limitations and pest management expertise.
  1. Biogas
  • Uses agricultural waste to produce renewable energy and fertilizer.
  • Biogas is produced through anaerobic digestion of agricultural waste.
  • By-products are used for organic crop production, reducing reliance on inorganic fertilizers.
  • Benefits: nutrients for crops, improved soil penetration, reduced waste, and use of renewable energy.
  1. Mixed Farming
  • Raises different crops and/or livestock on the same farm.
  • Integrates crop production with animal husbandry for a diversified and sustainable approach.
  1. Crop Rotation
  • Boosts profitability with high-value crops and reduces economic risk.
  • Lowers reliance on synthetic fertilizers, reducing pollution.
  • Revives farmland biodiversity for a sustainable approach.
  1. Drones and Digital Sensors
  • Reduce transportation emissions and monitor crops remotely.
  • Sensors track microclimate and soil pH for informed decision-making.
  • Optimize production, minimize waste, and boost yields.
  1. Smart Irrigation Systems
  • Use weather data and soil moisture for efficient water use.
  • Reduce water usage compared to traditional methods.
  • Promote smarter decision-making for sustainable agriculture.
  1. Green Nanotechnology
  • Reduces pesticide use and enhances productivity.
  • Applications include disease detection and nutrient delivery.
  • Saves energy, protects resources, and addresses future challenges.
  • Contributes to food security in developing countries.

Green Technology in Agriculture: Advantages and Challenges


  • Balances productivity, profitability, and environmental responsibility.
  • Creates a more sustainable and resilient food production system.

 Challenges for Adoption:

  • High Costs: Initial investment and ongoing expenses can be a barrier, especially for small farmers.
  • Limited Financing: Lack of access to affordable loans or credit facilities can make investment difficult.
  • Knowledge and Skills Gap: Farmers may lack the technical knowledge to operate and maintain green technologies.
  • Availability and Accessibility: Limited access in rural areas or developing countries can hinder adoption.
  • Infrastructure and Connectivity: Unreliable electricity or internet can limit functionality.
  • Perceived Risks and Uncertainties: Farmers may be unfamiliar with the technology or its impacts.
  • Compatibility Issues: Green technologies may not always fit existing practices or cultural preferences.
  • Policy and Regulations: Lack of supportive policies or incentives can impede adoption.

 The Future of Green Technology in Agriculture:

  • Growing demand for quality food favors green technology adoption.
  • Educating farmers and promoting literacy is crucial for sustainable practices.
  • Technological advancements like:
    • Precision agriculture: Increases crop production and efficient resource management.
    • UAVs with sensors: Offer real-time data for better agricultural practices.
    • Robotics and sensing equipment: Monitor growth, health, soil conditions, etc.
    • Advanced greenhouse technologies: Enable vertical farming in urban areas.



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