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Kurukshetra Magazine Summary


PM Vishwakarma Yojana Empowering Artisans

About the Scheme

  • Launched by the Prime Minister of India on September 17, 2023.
  • Uplifts traditional artisans and craftspeople in various trades.
  • Preserves cultural heritage and integrates artisans into the formal economy.
  • Central Sector Scheme, fully funded by the Government of India.
  • Implemented by the Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MoMSME).
  • Offers a stipend of Rs 500 for skill training per day and Rs 15,000 grant for tools.

Trades Covered

  • Carpenter, Boat Maker, Blacksmith, Goldsmith, Potter, Sculptor, Cobbler, Mason, Weaver, Doll Maker, Tailor, etc. (18 in total)

Benefits of the Scheme

  • Recognition: ID card and certificate after registration.
  • Skill Upgradation:
    • Basic training (5-7 days) with stipend of Rs. 500/day.
    • Advanced training (15+ days) with NSQF certification.
  • Toolkit Incentive: Up to Rs. 15,000 through e-RUPI/e-vouchers.
  • Credit Support: Collateral-free loan up to Rs. 3 lakhs at 5% interest.
  • Digital Transaction Incentive: Cashback for digital transactions.
  • Marketing Support: To promote products and services domestically and internationally.


  • Through Common Service Centres on the PM Vishwakarma portal.
  • Three-stage verification process.


  • Artisans/craftspeople aged 18 or older in one of the 18 trades.
  • Not availed loans under similar schemes.
  • One member per family can register.
  • Not employed by the government.


The scheme aims to empower artisans and craftspeople by providing end-to-end support and enabling them to compete in the market.


Developing Talent in Healthcare

Shortage of Healthcare Workers

  • India faces a shortage of skilled healthcare workers.
  • Only 0.65 doctors and 1.3 nurses per 1,000 people.
  • Needs 15.4 lakh additional doctors and 24 lakh nurses.

Government Initiatives

  • National Health Policy: Strengthen medical education and develop mid-level providers.
  • NITI Aayog: Generate 15 lakh jobs in public health by 2022-29.
  • Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE): Bridge skill gap.
    • Functional arms: DGT, NCVET, NSDC, SSCs
    • Training Institutes: NSTIs, ITIs
    • National Skill Development Fund (NSDF)
  • Target: Create 14 lakh trained healthcare personnel by 2025.
  • Partnership with IGNOU for wider reach.

Boosting Talent

  • Pradhan Mantri YUVA (PM-YUVA) Yojana: Promote entrepreneurship in healthcare.
  • Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Grameen Kaushalya Yojana (DDU-GKY): Skill rural youth for healthcare jobs.

The Way Forward

  • Develop skills in early childhood care and education (rural women).
  • Promote food production and marketing skills (adolescents, women).
  • Train rural masses in physiotherapy, yoga, and sports nutrition.
  • Train in resource conservation (food, water) and waste minimization.
  • Collaborate with NGOs, private sector, and village administration for health education.


  • Address skill gap and develop talent in healthcare, especially in rural areas.
  • Empower rural population through training and entrepreneurship.


Encouraging Micro-Entrepreneurship

Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME)

  • Classification
    • Micro: Investment <= Rs. 1 crore, Turnover <= Rs. 5 crore
    • Small: Investment <= Rs. 10 crore, Turnover <= Rs. 50 crore
    • Medium: Investment <= Rs. 50 crore, Turnover <= Rs. 250 crore

Scope of Micro-Entrepreneurship

  • Caters to local market
  • Typically < 10 employees
  • Creates jobs, reduces production costs, boosts purchasing power


  • Flexibility
    • Adapt to changing conditions quickly
    • Make decisions without bureaucracy
  • Low Barriers to Entry
    • Require minimal initial capital
    • Allows individuals with limited resources to participate
  • Job Creation
    • Promotes local economic growth
    • Reduces unemployment
  • Innovation
    • More agile and innovative than larger companies
    • Adapt to changing market demands quickly
  • Local Economic Growth
    • Creates jobs
    • Provides goods and services
  • Self-reliance
    • Empowers entrepreneurs
    • Fosters independence
  • Diverse Offerings
    • Targets specific markets
    • Provides specialized goods and services
  • Economic Resilience
    • More adaptable during economic downturns

Top Schemes for Promoting Micro-Entrepreneurship

  • ASPIRE (Scheme for Promotion of Innovation, Rural Industries and Entrepreneurship)
    • Creates network of technology and incubation centers
    • Encourages innovation in agribusiness sector
    • Provides financial support for building incubators
  • Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana
    • Supports microenterprise growth through MUDRA (NBFC)
    • Offers refinancing assistance for loans up to Rs. 10 lakhs
    • Loan categories (Tarun, Kishore, Shishu) based on stage and size of business
  • Support for International Patent Protection in Electronics and Information Technology (SIP-EIT)
    • Provides government support for MSME and startups filing foreign patent applications
  • Credit Guarantee Fund Trust for Micro and Small Enterprises (CGTMSE)
    • Strengthens loan delivery system for MSME sector
    • Provides discounted loans without collateral
  • Single Point Registration Scheme (SPRS)
    • Supports MSE procurement by government
    • Registers qualified MSEs for government purchases without Earnest Money Deposit (EMD)
    • Government sets minimum purchase thresholds from MSEs
  • Extra Mural Research or Core Research Grant (CRG)
    • Assists research institutions in conducting research across science and engineering fields
  • Design Clinic Scheme
    • Encourages small firms to experiment with new designs
    • Provides training and skill development in design
  • Zero Defect Zero Effect (ZED) Scheme
    • Improves quality and reduces defects in MSME products
    • Offers handholding programs for adopting new production techniques and technologies


  • Government initiatives actively encourage micro-entrepreneurship through Startup India, Aatmanirbhar Bharat, and Make in India programs.
  • Supporting micro-entrepreneurship accelerates economic growth.


Integrating Technology into Rural Education

Indian Education System

  • Large system with over 14.89 lakh schools, 95 lakh teachers, and 26.52 crore students.
  • 70% students and 83% schools are in rural areas.
  • High Gross Enrollment Ratio (GER) but dropout rate remains a challenge (12.6% at secondary level).


  • Rural-urban divide in access to technology and digital literacy.

Vision of NEP 2020

  • Bridge rural-urban gap through access, equity, quality, affordability, and accountability.
  • Foster unique capabilities and holistic development of each student.
  • Emphasize technology for improved teaching-learning methods.

Government Initiatives

  • Pradhan Mantri Innovative Learning Programme-Dhruv
    • Identifies and supports talented rural students.
  • Samagra Shiksha
    • Supports activities like youth clubs and eco clubs to develop student skills.
  • Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat (EBSB)
    • Promotes national integration through cultural exchange.
  • Navodaya Vidyalayas
    • Provides quality education to talented rural children.
  • National Talent Search Scheme (NTSE)
    • Offers scholarships and support programs for talented students.

Technological Interventions

  • Enhancing ICT under Samagra Shiksha
    • Provides high-quality e-content for teachers and students.
  • UDISE+ (Unified District Information System for Education Plus)
    • Provides real-time data for informed decision-making.
  • Performance Grading Index (PGI) 2.0
    • Evaluates school performance and identifies areas for improvement.
  • National Digital Education Architecture (NDEAR)
    • Creates a national digital infrastructure for education.
  • Vidya Samiksha Kendra
    • Uses data and technology to improve learning outcomes.

Capacity Building of Teachers

  • National Initiative for School Heads and Teachers’ Holistic Advancement (NISHTHA)
    • Trained and certified over 24 lakh teachers across India.


  • Technology integration is changing education, but the digital divide remains a challenge.
  • Teachers are now facilitators of learning, not just knowledge providers.
  • An inclusive digital ecosystem is needed for equitable education and lifelong learning.


Importance of Rural Entrepreneurship

  • Crucial for economic growth and development
  • Over 63 million MSMEs in India, 94% are micro-enterprises


    • Proprietorial ownership
    • Group entrepreneurship (SHGs, Cooperatives, Producer companies)


  • Resource Utilization
    • Utilizes local raw materials and labor
  • Employment Generation
    • Creates jobs in rural areas
  • Reduces Migration
    • Provides opportunities in rural areas
  • Promotes Artistic Activities
    • Protects and promotes traditional handicrafts and art
  • Reduces Social Issues
    • Combats poverty, slums, pollution in cities
  • Empowers Rural Youth
    • Exposes them to entrepreneurship as a career option
  • Stimulates Economic Development
    • Reduces urban migration and social issues in cities


  • Societal and gender bias
  • Lack of business and entrepreneurial skills
  • Limited access to essential skills
  • Inconsistent market linkages
  • Competition from urban markets
  • Poor infrastructure and logistics
  • Limited knowledge of government support
  • Lack of capital, technology, and product diversification

Roadmap to Recovery

  • Skill and entrepreneurship development programs
    • Project mode: Training based on skills, location, and demographics
    • Cluster development: Provides forward and backward linkages
    • Incubation: Training and support for promising entrepreneurs

Role of Government

  • Start-up Village Entrepreneurship Programme (SVEP)
    • Supports new and existing businesses in rural areas
  • Rural Self Employment Training Institutes (RSETIs)
    • Provides skill and entrepreneurship training to rural youth


  • Rural entrepreneurship is essential for India’s economic growth.
  • Government initiatives and skill development programs are crucial for success.
  • Supporting aspiring rural entrepreneurs leads to a viable business model for sustainable development.


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