Yojana Summary

October 2024

1.Impact of Rural Sanitation & Smart Approach for Sustained Sanitation

Historical Context and Challenges Sanitation in India has a deep historical foundation, dating back to the Indus Valley Civilization with advanced waste management systems. However, in modern times, India, particularly rural areas, faced severe sanitation issues, contributing to widespread health and safety risks. By 2014, only 39% of India’s population had access to proper sanitation, with open defecation (OD) being a significant challenge. This posed serious risks, especially for women and children, exposing them to diseases and harassment.

Key Sanitation Programs Pre-2014

  • Central Rural Sanitation Programme (1986): Focused on the construction of individual toilets, but the approach was largely infrastructure-driven, with little emphasis on usage.
  • Total Sanitation Campaign (1999): Shifted focus towards creating demand through Information, Education, and Communication (IEC), encouraging behavioral change.
  • Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan (2012): Emphasized community involvement in sanitation efforts but still fell short in achieving widespread results.

Swachh Bharat Mission (SBM) The Swachh Bharat Mission (SBM) launched on October 2, 2014, under Prime Minister Narendra Modi, marked a transformational shift in India’s sanitation strategy. Its ambitious target was to make India Open Defecation Free (ODF) by 2019, a goal it successfully achieved. The SBM was characterized by a strong emphasis on behavioral change, community participation, public financing, and high-level political will.

Impact of Swachh Bharat Mission

  • Health Impact: Poor sanitation was a significant contributor to waterborne diseases like diarrhea, cholera, and typhoid. Prior to SBM, these diseases led to over 3 lakh child deaths annually. Post-SBM, child mortality due to these conditions has been reduced, averting 60,000-70,000 child deaths each year.
  • Impact on Women and Children: Lack of toilets disproportionately affected women, leading to safety concerns and school absenteeism for girls during menstruation. SBM improved both safety and dignity for women and played a role in reducing child malnutrition by improving overall sanitation.
  • Environmental Impact: Open defecation polluted water bodies and the environment. Post-SBM, there was a 12.7 times lower chance of groundwater contamination in ODF villages.
  • Economic Impact: Poor sanitation cost India approximately 6.4% of its GDP in 2006. SBM led to significant economic benefits, with ODF villages saving Rs 50,000 per household annually, primarily through reduced healthcare costs.

Alignment with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) The SBM is closely aligned with the SDG framework, particularly SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation. India achieved its ODF status in 2019, well ahead of the global 2030 target. The program also contributed to SDG 3 (Good Health and Well-being) by reducing child mortality, and SDG 5 (Gender Equality) by providing safer sanitation for women and girls, reducing harassment and school absenteeism.

SBM Phase II (2020-2025) SBM Phase II builds on the success of the first phase and focuses on maintaining ODF status while addressing broader sanitation challenges, including:

  • ODF Sustainability: Through continuous monitoring, community engagement, and retrofitting where necessary.
  • Solid and Liquid Waste Management (SLWM): Encouraging waste-to-energy technologies, household composting, and community waste pits.
  • Visual Cleanliness: Promoting litter-free public spaces and proper waste segregation.
  • Community Engagement: Involving local leaders, Self-Help Groups (SHGs), and Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) in capacity-building initiatives.

Future Strategy: SMART Approach For sustained sanitation success, a SMART approach will be key, focusing on:

  • Sustainability: Ensuring infrastructure maintenance and community-led monitoring.
  • Making Women Central: Empowering women in sanitation roles, especially through SHGs.
  • Accelerating Private Sector Involvement: Promoting public-private partnerships for innovations like smart toilets and waste-to-energy systems.
  • Re-establishing Communication Protocols: Strengthening behavior change communication through Information, Education, and Communication (IEC) campaigns.
  • Technological Interventions: Adopting advanced waste management systems and training workers for sustainable outcomes.


The Swachh Bharat Mission aims for ODF Plus Model villages by 2024-2025, focusing on complete cleanliness through comprehensive waste management and sustained behavioral change. The mission has laid a strong foundation for India’s cleanliness drive, empowering women, improving public health, and contributing to global sustainable development goals.


2.Special Campaign 4.0 for Institutionalizing Swachhata and Reducing Pendency

The Special Campaign 4.0 is a focused initiative designed to institutionalize cleanliness (Swachhata) in government offices while significantly reducing pendency. It builds on the success of previous campaigns from 2021 to 2023, which emphasized digitization, waste management, and enhancing the work environment. This initiative aligns with Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s vision of fostering a more efficient, citizen-centric government.

Key Objectives and Focus Areas:

  1. Clean Office Spaces: The campaign aims to transform government offices into more organized, clutter-free, and visually appealing work environments, ensuring better productivity and professionalism.
  2. Digital Empowerment: A key goal is to enhance service delivery through digitization, reducing public grievance timelines from 30 days to 21 days. By embracing digital platforms, the government seeks to improve citizen engagement and ensure faster, more transparent services.
  3. Wider Implementation: The campaign will be rolled out across all ministries, departments, and public institutions, including overseas government bodies, to standardize and improve work practices.
  4. Record Management and Scrap Disposal: An essential aspect is the efficient management of records, focusing on discarding outdated files and freeing up valuable office space. This initiative not only optimizes space but also improves organizational efficiency.
  5. Community and Environmental Initiatives: Projects such as ‘Plastic Rakshasha’ aim to raise awareness about the harmful impact of single-use plastics, while outreach programs in Krishi Vigyan Kendras promote sustainable agricultural practices, linking environmental and community welfare.
  6. Leadership and Team Building: The campaign’s success hinges on strong leadership from ministers and senior officials. Teamwork, capacity building, and efficient coordination are critical for the campaign’s objectives.

As India moves towards its vision of Viksit Bharat 2047, Special Campaign 4.0 is expected to play a vital role in enhancing governance, fostering public trust, and creating a more efficient government system.




3.Achievements of the Swachh Bharat Mission (SBM)

Phases of SBM:

  1. SBM-Grameen Phase I (2014-2019):
    • Focused on constructing over 100 million toilets in rural areas, tackling the issue of open defecation.
    • Emphasized community participation and behavioral change through awareness campaigns.
    • Resulted in improved public health, particularly in rural regions that previously lacked adequate sanitation facilities.
  2. SBM-Grameen Phase II (2019-2025):
    • Aims to sustain the Open Defecation Free (ODF) status and manage both solid and liquid waste by 2025.
    • By September 2024, over 5.87 lakh villages achieved ODF Plus status, with solid and liquid waste management systems in place.
    • Over 11.64 crore household toilets and 2.41 lakh community sanitary complexes have been constructed, with a total investment of Rs 1.40 lakh crore.
  3. SBM-Urban:
    • Launched alongside SBM-Grameen in 2014 to focus on urban sanitation.
    • Key achievements include over 63 lakh household toilets and 6.3 lakh public toilets constructed.
    • Aimed to achieve 100% ODF status in cities and implement scientific solid waste management, encouraging a people’s movement for urban cleanliness.

Key Benefits of SBM:

  • A study analyzing data from 35 states and 640 districts over a decade (2011-2020) revealed a significant reduction in child mortality due to improved toilet access.
  • A 10-percentage point increase in toilet access at the district level led to a reduction of 0.9 points in the Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) and 1.1 points in the Under-Five Mortality Rate (U5MR).
  • Districts with more than 30% toilet coverage saw even greater reductions, saving an estimated 60,000 to 70,000 infant lives annually.
  • The program’s comprehensive approach, which combined toilet construction with Information, Education, and Communication (IEC) campaigns, had a transformative impact on public health by reducing exposure to pathogens, thus lowering instances of diarrhoea and malnutrition, both key contributors to child mortality.

Swachhata Hi Seva (SHS) Campaign 2024:

  • Running from September 17 to October 2, 2024, the SHS campaign marks a decade of the Swachh Bharat initiative.
  • Its objectives include mobilizing public participation (Jan Bhagidari) and recognizing the contribution of sanitation workers (Safai Mitras).
  • Achievements from SHS 2023 included participation from over 109 crore individuals, with 53 crore contributing through ‘Shramdaan for Swachhata,’ cleaning 7,611 beaches, revitalizing 6,371 riverbanks, and restoring 1,23,840 public spaces. The campaign underscores the importance of community involvement in maintaining cleanliness and sanitation.



4.Ganga Rejuvenation and Water Conservation

The Ganga holds immense cultural, spiritual, and economic importance in India, supporting 40% of the country’s population and contributing significantly to the GDP. However, rapid industrialization, untreated sewage, and waste disposal have severely polluted the river, threatening both its biodiversity and its ability to sustain life.

Ganga Action Plan (GAP):

  • Launched in 1986 under Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi, GAP aimed to reduce pollution in the Ganga by building sewage treatment plants and controlling industrial waste.
  • Despite completing 652 projects and establishing 35 treatment plants, the plan struggled with issues such as poor governance, inadequate infrastructure, and limited public awareness.
  • GAP’s short-term benefits weren’t sustained, but it laid the groundwork for future programs like the Namami Gange Mission.

Namami Gange Mission (2014):

  • Launched with a budget of ₹20,000 crore, Namami Gange focuses on two main goals: restoring the river’s continuous flow (Aviral Dhara) and ensuring clean water (Nirmal Dhara).
  • Over 815 sewage treatment plants, river-surface cleaning, afforestation, and biodiversity conservation initiatives are part of the mission.
  • Public awareness and community involvement are promoted through platforms like Ganga Vichar Manch, and several projects aim to restore aquatic species and riverfronts.
  • By 2021, the mission had approved 200 sewerage projects worth ₹31,810 crore, with 116 successfully completed.


  • Sewage Treatment: Delays in project completion, poor performance of STPs, and inadequate sewerage networks lead to industries dumping waste into rivers unchecked.
  • Water Flow: The Ganga’s self-purifying capacity has diminished due to decreased water flow, especially outside the monsoon season.
  • Sludge Control: The safe disposal of faecal sludge remains a major challenge, with a higher biochemical oxygen demand than regular sewage.
  • Cost Overruns: Delays and financial mismanagement have led to increased costs, reducing the effectiveness of cleaning initiatives.
  • Governance Issues: Poor coordination among ministries and between central and state governments further hinders the program’s execution.

Way Forward:

  • An autonomous National Ganga Council (NGC) with environmental experts should be established to improve decision-making.
  • Water flow restoration through changes in hydroelectric project designs is critical to enhance the river’s self-purifying abilities.
  • Improved coordination between various governmental bodies is necessary for better implementation of Ganga rejuvenation plans.
  • Decentralization, with greater involvement of state and local governments, could make the mission more efficient.
  • The National Mission for Clean Ganga (NMCG) should focus on decentralized sewage treatment, groundwater recharge, and protecting river corridors.



5.India’s Biofuel Revolution

India is rapidly transforming its energy sector, with biofuels becoming a key part of its renewable energy strategy. Biofuels, derived from organic materials like plant biomass, agricultural waste, and vegetable oils, offer a sustainable alternative to fossil fuels such as gasoline and diesel. Unlike fossil fuels, biofuels are renewable and can be produced more quickly, contributing to both energy security and environmental sustainability.

Generations of Biofuels: A Comparative Overview

  • 1st generation biofuels are derived from edible food sources like soybean, sugarcane, and maize, offering simple processes and cost efficiency but raising food vs fuel concerns.
  • 2nd generation biofuels utilize agricultural residues and waste streams, reducing land use and bypassing food vs fuel conflicts but requiring more extensive pretreatment.
  • 3rd generation biofuels use CO2 and light energy for direct production, avoiding land use change and fresh water use but incurring higher downstream costs.
  • 4th generation biofuels employ genetic engineering for higher yields but face safety regulations and often involve CO2 and syngas usage. Overall, each generation offers distinct benefits and challenges, and the choice of biofuel depends on specific economic, environmental, and social considerations.

Types of Biofuels:

  • Ethanol: Produced from crops like corn and sugarcane, ethanol is blended with gasoline to reduce emissions and improve fuel efficiency.
  • Biodiesel: Made from vegetable oils or animal fats, biodiesel can be used as a substitute for traditional diesel in vehicles without significant changes.

As the third-largest energy consumer globally, India’s focus on biofuels is vital for reducing its dependence on imported oil and aligning with global climate change mitigation efforts. The country’s biofuel journey began with a 5% ethanol blending pilot program in 2001, followed by the National Policy on Biofuels introduced in 2009 and updated in 2018 and 2022. The policy targets 20% ethanol blending in petrol by 2025 and encourages the development of biofuels from non-food sources, fostering innovation and investment in this sector.

Current Landscape: India produces around 500 million tons of biomass annually, with a surplus of 120-150 million tons available for energy generation. Biofuels currently account for 12.83% of the total renewable energy output, underlining their importance in India’s energy mix. Public sector giants like Indian Oil Corporation (IOC) and Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited (BPCL) are investing heavily in biofuel research, while initiatives like Pradhan Mantri JI-VAN Yojana are encouraging private sector participation, particularly in sustainable aviation fuel and second-generation biofuels.

Challenges: Despite its progress, India’s biofuel sector faces several challenges:

  • Overreliance on 1G Ethanol: The 20% ethanol blending target depends heavily on first-generation ethanol made from sugarcane and food grains, which poses sustainability issues.
  • Supply Chain Issues: Second-generation ethanol production is hampered by feedstock shortages and difficulties in scaling up.
  • Food Security: Stagnating crop yields and the potential impact of climate change on agriculture make it difficult to rely on surplus crops for biofuel production.
  • Groundwater Depletion: Groundwater depletion could triple between 2040 and 2081, challenging the sustainability of biofuel production.
  • Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Increased emissions from agriculture for fuel production could counteract the environmental benefits of biofuels.
  • Sugarcane Dependency: Government policies favor sugarcane as a feedstock, complicating diversification efforts.
  • Economies of Scale: Achieving large-scale biofuel production and addressing the logistical costs of biomass transportation remain significant hurdles.


  • Government Initiatives: Programs like Pradhan Mantri JI-VAN Yojana support bioethanol projects using lignocellulosic biomass.
  • Global Collaborations: India’s leadership in the Global Biofuels Alliance enhances international cooperation and promotes biofuel expertise globally.
  • Economic Growth: A thriving biofuel industry can generate employment, attract investment, and boost rural economies, contributing to India’s GDP.


  • Policy Alignment: Better coordination across sectors can create a favorable environment for biofuel development.
  • R&D Investment: Focusing on second and third-generation biofuels can bridge technological gaps.
  • Collaborative Innovation: Partnerships between academia and industry can drive research and address social and economic challenges.

In conclusion, India is on the verge of a biofuel revolution. With the right balance between opportunities and challenges, the country can not only meet its ethanol blending targets but also become a global leader in biofuel research and innovation. By fostering collaboration, supporting innovation, and addressing sustainability concerns, India can significantly reduce its carbon footprint and enhance its energy security.


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