Daily Current Affairs

To The Point Notes


1.Cyclone Laly

  • Rare event in its latitude range.
  • Struck East Africa just two weeks after Cyclone Hidaya.
  • Caused widespread destruction in Kenya and Somalia.
  • 2 fatalities confirmed in Kenya.

Cyclones Generally:

  • Large rotating wind systems around low pressure.
  • Counter-clockwise rotation in Northern Hemisphere (clockwise in Southern).
  • Form over warm ocean waters (at least 26.5°C).
  • Fueled by warm water and develop from thunderstorms.

Stages of Development:

  • Tropical Disturbance: Initial stage with thunderstorms.
  • Tropical Depression: Organized system with winds < 39 mph.
  • Tropical Storm: Winds 39-73 mph, given a name.
  • Hurricane/Typhoon/Cyclone: Winds > 74 mph (region dependent).

Cyclone Structure:

  • Eye: Central area with calm conditions.
  • Eyewall: Surrounds eye, with strongest winds and heaviest rain.
  • Spiral Rainbands: Bands of clouds and thunderstorms spiraling inward.

Cyclone Impacts:

  • Strong winds causing significant damage.
  • Heavy rain leading to floods and landslides.
  • Storm surge inundating coastal areas due to low pressure and strong winds.
  • Secondary hazards: power outages, transportation disruption, waterborne diseases.

Cyclone Tracking and Prediction:

  • Satellites, radar, aircraft, and computer models used for tracking and prediction.
  • Crucial information for issuing warnings and preparations.


  • Easier communication and media coverage.
  • Different regions have their own naming conventions (e.g., World Meteorological Organization).

Source : https://weather.com/en-IN/india/news/news/2024-05-24-cyclone-laly-kills-two-people-in-kenya-and-affects-dozens-in-somalia



2.Mangroves in Peril

  • Crisis: Over 50% of global mangroves threatened by human actions and climate change.
  • Threats:
    • Human Activities: Deforestation, development, pollution, dams.
    • Climate Change: Increased storms, rising sea levels.
  • Impacts of Loss:
    • Geography: Mangroves in South India, Sri Lanka, Maldives, and NW Atlantic most at risk.
    • Economy: $13 billion potential loss in carbon market value by 2050.
    • Biodiversity: Loss of critical habitat and breeding grounds for many species.
    • Climate Change: Increased carbon emissions from mangrove destruction.
    • Coastal Protection: Loss of defense against erosion, floods, and storm surges.
    • Fisheries: Decline in fish populations harming local communities.
    • Livelihoods & Economy: Losses from fisheries, tourism, and other ecosystem services.
  • Importance:
    • Store 11 billion tonnes of carbon.
    • Protect 15.4 million people from coastal threats.
    • Support 126 million fishing days annually.
  • Action Needed: Urgent protection and restoration to fight climate change and sustain biodiversity.

Source :  https://www.downtoearth.org.in/news/wildlife-biodiversity/over-half-of-world-s-mangroves-face-collapse-due-to-human-actions-and-climate-change-96311



3.Eaglenest Wildlife Sanctuary: Home to the Red Panda

  • Location: Himalayan foothills, West Kameng District, Arunachal Pradesh, India
  • Established: 1989
  • Part of Kameng Elephant Reserve
  • Biodiversity:
    • Flora: Temperate & subtropical forests, bamboo groves, rhododendron thickets.
    • Fauna: Red panda, Bengal tiger, Asian elephant, clouded leopard, etc.
    • Avifauna: Over 450 bird species, including Bugun liocichla (discovered in 2006).
  • Recent Sighting: Endangered red panda captured on camera.


Source: https://www.northeasttoday.in/2024/05/15/endangered-red-panda-spotted-in-arunachals-eaglenest-wildlife-sanctuary/

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