26th November 2019 UPSC Current Affairs : Prelims Sure Shot


Maha Bodhi Temple

Why in news

  • Bhutan’s Foreign Minister recently visited Maha Bodhi Temple in Bodh Gaya, Bihar.

Maha Bodhi Temple Complex

  • The Maha Bodhi Temple Complex is one of the four holy sites related to the life of the Lord Buddha, and particularly to the attainment of Enlightenment (Bodhi).
  • The other three are:
  • Lumbini (Birth) in Nepal
  • Sarnath (Dharma-Chakra-Pravartana – 1st Sermon)
  • Kushinagar (Mahaparinirvana- death) in Uttar Pradesh.
  • The original structure was built by the Mauryan emperor Ashoka. However, it was reconstructed entirely in brick in late Gupta period. The present temple dates from the 5th or 6th centuries.
  • The site of the Mahabodhi Temple provides exceptional records of the events associated with the life of Buddha and subsequent worship.
  • A descendant of the Bodhi tree under which the Buddha is said to have sat until he attained enlightenment stands adjacent to the temple.
  • Ashoka’s stone slab purporting to mark the exact position where the Buddha sat is traditionally called the Buddha’s vajrasana (literally “diamond throne” or “thunder seat”).
  • It was recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage site.


Survey of Persons with Disabilities

Why in news?

  • The National Statistical Office (NSO), Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation has conducted a Survey of Persons with Disabilities during July 2018 to December 2018 as a part of 76th round of National Sample Survey (NSS).

Major Findings of the survey:

Prevalence and incidence of disability

  • In India prevalence of disability (percentage of persons with disability in the population) was 2.2%, with 2.3% in rural and 2.0% in urban areas.
  • Prevalence of disability was higher among males than females. Among males, prevalence of disability was 2.4% while it was 1.9% among females.
  • Incidence of disability in the population, that is the number of persons with onset of disability (by birth or otherwise) during 365 days preceding the date of survey was 86 per 100,000 persons.

Level of education among persons with disabilities

  • Among persons with disabilities of age 7 years and above, 2% were literate.

 Labour Force Participation Rate

  • Among persons with disabilities of age 15 years and above, Labour Force Participation Rate in usual status was 8%.



Idris Elba:

  • A species of wasp has been named Idris Elba.
  • The wasp, recently discovered in Mexico, was found living as a parasite in the eggs of another insect, known as the bagrada bug, which is a major pest of cruciferous vegetables.
  • This newly discovered wasp species could be the ultimate weapon in the battle against the stink bug — also known as the painted bug — by “parasitizing” stink bug eggs and thus preventing offspring from growing.


Household Social Consumption related to Health

Why in news?

  • The National Statistical Office (NSO), Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation has conducted the survey on Household Social Consumption related to Health during the period July 2017 to June 2018 as a part of 75th round of National Sample Survey (NSS).

More information

  • The main objective of the survey was to gather basic quantitative information on the health sector viz. morbidity, profile of ailments including their treatment, role of government and private facilities in providing healthcare etc.

Immunisation among children aged 0-5 years:

  • About 97% of both boys and girls had received vaccination in rural India.
  • About 98% of boys and 97% of girls had received vaccination in urban India.
  • About 59% of boys and 60% of girls at all-India level had been fully immunised (i.e., received all 8 prescribed vaccinations).

Place of childbirth:

  • In rural areas about 90% childbirths were institutional (in Government/private hospitals) and in urban areas it was about 96%.

Treatment seeking behaviour:

  • In both rural and urban India, 95% of ailments were treated by

Healthcare service provider for treatment of ailments:

  • Government hospitals in case of 30% ailments (33% in rural, 26% in urban).
  • Private hospitals in case of 23% ailments (21% in rural, 27% in urban).
  • Private doctors/clinics in case of 43% ailments (41% in rural, 44% in urban).



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