29/11/2019 : The Hindu Notes : Prelims Sure Shot 


1.Defence Acquisition Council (DAC)

Why in news?

  • The Defence Acquisition Council (DAC), chaired by Defence Minister , approved the procurement of weapons and equipment worth Rs 22,800 crore.

Defence Acquisition Council:

  • The DAC is Defence Ministry’s highest decision making body for capital acquisition proposals forwarded by the Indian armed forces.
  • It was set up in 2001 as part of the post-Kargil reforms in defence sector.
  • Chairman of DAC – Defence Minister.

The objective of the Defence Acquisition Council:

  • To ensure expeditious procurement of the approved requirements of the Armed Forces in terms of capabilities sought and time frame prescribed by optimally utilizing the allocated budgetary resources.

The functions of the DAC include:

  • in principle approval of 15 Years Long Terms Integrated Perspective Plan for Defence Forces
  • accord of Acceptance of Necessity to acquisition proposals;
  • categorization of the acquisition proposals relating to ‘Buy’, ‘Buy & Make’ and ‘Make’;
  • issues relating to Single vendor clearance;
  • decision regarding ‘offset’ provisions in respect of acquisition proposals above Rs. 300 crores;
  • decisions regarding Transfer of Technology under ‘Buy & Make’ category of acquisition proposals; and
  • Field Trial evaluation.         


2.SATAT initiative 

Why in news?

  • SATAT initiative has the potential of addressing environmental problems arising from stubble burning. 

Sustainable Alternative Towards Affordable Transportation (SATAT) initiative:

  • SATAT initiative to promote Compressed Bio-Gas as an alternative, green transport fuel.
  • It is aimed at providing a Sustainable Alternative Towards Affordable Transportation (SATAT) as a developmental effort that would benefit both vehicle-users as well as farmers and entrepreneurs.
  • Compressed Bio-Gas plants are proposed to be set up mainly through independent entrepreneurs.


  • CBG produced at these plants will be transported through cascades of cylinders to the fuel station networks of OMCs for marketing as a green transport fuel alternative.
  • The entrepreneurs would be able to separately market the other by-products from these plants, including bio-manure, carbon-dioxide, etc., to enhance returns on investment.


There are multiple benefits from converting agricultural residue, cattle dung and municipal solid waste into CBG on a commercial scale:

  • Responsible waste management, reduction in carbon emissions and pollution 
  • Additional revenue source for farmers
  • Boost to entrepreneurship, rural economy and employment
  • Support to national commitments in achieving climate change goals
  • Reduction in import of natural gas and crude oil
  • Buffer against crude oil/gas price fluctuations

Basics on bio-gas:

  • Bio-gas is produced naturally through a process of anaerobic decomposition from waste / bio-mass sources.
  • These include agriculture residue, cattle dung, sugarcane press mud, municipal solid waste, sewage treatment plant waste, etc.
  • After purification, it is compressed and called CBG, which has pure methane content of over 95%.
  • Compressed Bio-Gas is exactly similar to the commercially available natural gas in its composition and energy potential.
  • CBG can be used as alternative, renewable automotive fuel.


3.Global Diplomacy Index 2019

Why in news?

  • The 2019 Global Diplomacy Index released.

About the Index:

  • Index visualises the diplomatic networks of 61 G20, OECD and Asian countries and territories, allowing users to compare the most significant diplomatic networks in the world. 
  • Released by – Sydney based Lowy Institute.
  • The 2019 edition contains data across three years – 2016, 2017 and 2019.
  • The Index’s interactive map highlights gaps and concentrations in diplomatic networks, and indicates strengths and weaknesses in geographic coverage and geopolitical reach.

About the ranking:

  • China now has more diplomatic posts across the world than United States in 2019.
  • France, Japan, and Russia are ranked at 3rd, 4th, and 5th.
  • India is 12th among the 61 countries ranked by the Lowy Institute.

Note –As of 2019, India has 123 embassies and high commissions and 54 consulates globally.


4.Army test-fires Israeli anti-tank missile

  • The Army successfully tested two newly-acquired Spike long-range anti-tank guided missiles (ATGM) in Madhya Pradesh.
  • The Army has recently procured a small batch of 12 launchers and 250 missiles from Israel using its new financial powers to make emergency procurements.
  • The missiles will ultimately be deployed mainly on the fronts facing Pakistan.
  • Spike is a fourth-generation missile, which can engage a target with precision at ranges up to four km.
  • In addition to fire and forget capability, the missile also has the ability to fire, observe and update, providing substantial flexibility to the firer to pinpoint the impact point, as also the ability to switch to a different target mid-flight.
  • India became the 33rd country to induct the Spike ATGM.


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