Daily Hot Topic

Topic : India’s Space Ambitions: A Public-Private Partnership

GS-3 Mains : Science and Technology

Revision Notes

Taking Flight

  • India’s space sector is set for a boom with the government opening doors for private companies (2024).
  • This aims to boost the sector’s value from $9.6 billion (2020) to $13 billion by 2025, capturing 10% of the global market ($360 billion) by 2030.

ISRO’s New Role

  • ISRO, traditionally the sole operator, is transitioning into a facilitator role.
  • This involves sharing technology and expertise, providing infrastructure access, and supporting private firms.

Benefits of Private Participation

  • Increased innovation and competition, like Skyroot Aerospace’s achievements.
  • More foreign investment (FDI) for global collaborations and enhanced global standing in space technology.
  • National development through improved communication (remote areas), disaster management, and climate monitoring.
  • Cost-competitive space program and job creation across various sectors.

Challenges to Address

  • Regulatory hurdles.
  • Complexities of technology transfer.
  • Need for a skilled workforce.

Boosting Private Investment

  • Feb 2024: Increased FDI allowance –
    • 74% for satellite manufacturing & operation
    • 49% for launch vehicles & spaceports
    • 100% for satellite components/sub-systems
  • Investment in Space Startups reached $124.7 Million in 2023.

Enhancing Regulatory Framework

  • Established Indian National Space Promotion and Authorisation Centre (IN-SPACe) in 2020 to facilitate private entry.
  • Feb 2021: Relaxed geospatial data access for private companies.
  • Dec 2022: National Geospatial Policy promotes data sharing and a robust geospatial ecosystem.
  • Indian Space Policy 2023: Defines roles and responsibilities for ISRO, NSIL and private entities.


  • Increased private participation has the potential to unlock India’s potential in space exploration.
  • Supportive government policies and ISRO’s collaboration are crucial for success.
  • Addressing existing challenges will be vital for long-term growth.

Source : https://www.thehindu.com/news/cities/Kochi/private-sector-has-huge-possibilities-in-countrys-space-arena-isro-chairman/article68164777.ece

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