The Hindu Editorial Summary

Editorial Topic : Factory accidents in India

 GS-3 Mains Exam : Disaster Management 

Revision Notes

Question : Examine the causes behind the frequent industrial disasters in India, particularly in Maharashtra, and discuss the role of inspection processes in preventing such accidents.


  • Frequent industrial disasters highlight the need for stricter inspection processes.
  • A May 2024 reactor explosion in a Dombivli (Maharashtra) chemical factory caused casualties, injuries, and property damage.
  • Similar accidents occurred in 2016, 2018, 2020, and 2023.

Poor Inspection Rates:

  • Maharashtra (2021):
    • Only 23.89% of hazardous factories (1,551 out of 6,492) inspected.
    • Only 8.04% of registered factories (3,158 out of 39,255) inspected.
  • Reasons for low rates:
    • Shortage of inspectors (Maharashtra: 39.34% vacancy rate).
    • High workload for existing inspectors.
    • Low prosecution rates (Gujarat: 6.95%, Maharashtra: 13.84%, Tamil Nadu: 14.45%).

Employer Concerns:

  • Employers criticize the current system as “inspector-raj,” implying harassment and bribery.

Flawed Reform Attempts:

  • Recent reforms like self-certification, randomized inspections, and third-party certification violate International Labour Organization (ILO) Convention 81 (1947).
  • The ILO requires:
    • Sufficiently qualified & well-equipped inspectors.
    • Unannounced inspections to ensure compliance.


  • Implement ILO Convention 81 for strong labour market governance.
  • Increase the number of qualified inspectors.
  • Shift inspector role from solely “inspecting” to also “facilitating” compliance through guidance.

Penalties for Enforcers:

  • A system penalizing non-compliant inspectors is needed.


  • The government has a duty to ensure safe working environments.
  • Reforms should focus on efficiency and ethical conduct within the inspectorate.



The Hindu Editorial Summary

Editorial Topic : Preventing Stampedes at Public Gatherings in India

 GS-3 Mains Exam : Disaster Management 

Revision Notes

Question : Critically evaluate the role of infrastructure and venue design in preventing stampedes at public gatherings in India. Suggest improvements to enhance safety.


  • The recent stampede at a religious congregation in Hathras, Uttar Pradesh (over 120 deaths) highlights the need for improved safety measures.
  • Stampedes at public gatherings are a recurring tragedy in India.

Causes of Stampedes:

  • Overcrowding
  • Inadequate crowd management
  • Lack of preparedness

Preventive Measures:

  1. Enhanced Infrastructure and Venue Design:
    • Ensure sufficient entry/exit points, wide passages, and clear signage.
    • Designate seating and standing areas to avoid overcrowding.
  2. Advanced Crowd Management:
    • Employ trained crowd control personnel.
    • Utilize technology (crowd monitoring systems, CCTV) to manage crowds.
  3. Public Awareness and Education:
    • Educate attendees on orderly conduct, following instructions, and staying calm.
    • Promote a culture of mutual assistance and responsibility.
  4. Regulatory and Legal Framework:
    • Enforce strict regulations and guidelines for event organizers.
    • Ensure compliance with safety standards (crowd capacity limits, emergency plans).
    • Conduct regular inspections and audits of venues.
  5. Emergency Preparedness and Response:
    • Have a well-defined emergency response plan.
    • Ensure trained medical personnel, accessible first aid stations, and clear evacuation protocols.
    • Conduct regular drills and simulations.
  6. Collaboration and Stakeholder Engagement:
    • Involve government agencies, event organizers, venue owners, and local communities.
    • Share resources and coordinate efforts for comprehensive safety strategies.


Stampedes are preventable. Proactive measures and collective action are key to ensuring the safety of attendees at public gatherings.

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