Daily Hot Topic

Topic : India’s Contribution to Fight Against Terrorism

GS-3 Mains : Security

Revision Notes


  • India contributed $500,000 to the U.N. Counter-Terrorism Trust Fund, bringing its total contribution to $2.55 million.

What India Supports:

  • U.N. Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT) programs:
    • Countering Financing of Terrorism (CFT)
    • Countering Terrorist Travel Programme (CTTP)
  • Focuses on Africa to combat terror financing and movement.

Understanding Terrorism:

  • Complex threats: organized groups, lone wolves, chemical/biological attacks.
  • Targets civilians to create fear.
  • Rooted in grievances, extremism, and radical ideologies.

Modus Operandi of Terror Groups:

  • Advanced Technology: Increased access for seamless operations.
  • Encrypted Messaging: Used for instructions and sleeper cell revival.
  • Funding: Crowd funding and cryptocurrencies used for financing.
  • Lone Wolf Attacks: Encouraging sympathizers to carry out attacks.
  • Radicalization: Spreading misinformation and false narratives on social media.

Challenges in Tackling Terrorism:

  • Evolving Techniques: Terrorists adapt methods to evade detection (e.g., drone use).
  • Transnational Nature: Requires international cooperation.
  • Root Causes: Needs long-term strategies beyond security measures (poverty, inequality, grievances).
  • Civil Liberties vs. Security: Balancing security with human rights (surveillance, detention).
  • Cyberterrorism: Online propaganda, recruitment, and coordination. Needs collaboration across sectors.
  • Financing: Tracking networks is difficult due to informal channels, money laundering, and legitimate institutions.
  • Lone Actors: Harder to detect as they lack established group connections.

Global Measures to Combat Terrorism 

  • UN Counterterrorism Framework: Legal framework for actions against terrorism (financing, foreign fighters, border security).
  • Financial Action Task Force (FATF): Sets standards to combat money laundering and terrorist financing. Member countries implement these recommendations.
  • Global Counterterrorism Forum (GCTF): Promotes cooperation and capacity building for counterterrorism efforts.
  • Intelligence Sharing: Bilateral and multilateral agreements enable information exchange on terrorist threats.
  • Aviation Security: Stringent security measures at airports and aboard aircraft to counter aviation terrorism.
  • Cybersecurity Collaboration: International initiatives for information sharing, capacity building, and developing common cyber defense standards.

Terrorism in India

  • Mainly cross-border, sponsored by neighboring countries (e.g., Pakistan).
  • Methods: Infiltration via land borders, sea routes, illegal immigration.
  • Terrorist groups: LeT, JeM, HM, IM (linked to Pakistan’s ISI).

India’s Efforts

  • UN Resolutions: Tables resolution on preventing terrorists from acquiring weapons of mass destruction.
  • International Agreements: Party to 13 universal anti-terrorism instruments.
  • Legislation: UAPA – legal framework to counter terrorist activities, organizations, and financing.
  • Diplomacy: Raises issue of Pakistan’s support for terrorism at various levels.
  • Strategic Partnerships: Collaborates with US, Israel, and Gulf states on intelligence sharing, defense cooperation, and capacity building.
  • Technology & Cybersecurity:
    • Drone Rules by Ministry of Civil Aviation
    • National Investigation Agency mandate expanded to include cyberterrorism
    • Indian Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-In) for cyber security incident response


  • Countering radicalization and addressing socio-economic grievances are crucial for comprehensive counterterrorism efforts.
  • Collaboration on cybersecurity is essential to combat cyberterrorism and prevent online recruitment and propaganda.

Source : https://www.thehindu.com/news/international/india-contributes-500000-to-un-counter-terrorism-trust-fund/article68152922.ece

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