Daily Hot Topic
Topic : Quantum Science and Technology (QST)
GS-3 Mains  : Science and technology

In the News

  • 2025: Declared International Year of Quantum Science and Technology (IYQ) by the United Nations.

About QST

  • Studies the strange behavior of particles at the atomic and subatomic level (quantum mechanics).
  • Significant government and private sector investment globally.


  • Quantum Computing
    • Uses qubits (can be in multiple states at once) for super-fast calculations.
    • Applications in cryptography, materials science, simulations, and optimization.
  • Quantum Sensors
    • Unprecedented precision and sensitivity using quantum principles.
    • Benefits healthcare (imaging), environmental monitoring, and navigation.
  • Quantum Communication
    • Ultra-secure data transmission via quantum entanglement.


  • Potential value of $1.3 trillion by 2035 across four sectors (automotive, chemicals, finance, life sciences) – McKinsey report.
  • China leads in investment ($10 billion in 2022), followed by EU and US.
  • India’s current contribution: $730 million (Rs. 6,100 crore).
  • QST has the potential to revolutionize how we transmit and utilize information.


  • Dual-use nature of QST (both advancements and cybersecurity threats).
  • Need for ethical frameworks and regulations.
  • Lack of impact studies on responsible innovation frameworks in QST.
  • Limited access to talent and technologies.

Related Initiatives

  • World Economic Forum (WEF):
    • Promotes transparency, inclusivity, and accountability in quantum computing governance.
    • Aims to build trust, manage risks, and foster responsible innovation.
  • National Strategies (e.g., US National Quantum Strategy):
    • Prioritize protecting intellectual property and enabling technologies.
  • Researcher-proposed frameworks emphasize responsible research and innovation (RRI).


  • QST will be a key scientific field of the 21st century.
  • Collaboration among stakeholders (researchers, governments, private sector) is crucial for responsible development.
  • Governments need to safeguard research, intellectual property, and enabling technologies.

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