Daily Hot Topic
Topic : Great Nicobar Project
GS-3 Mains  : Economy
Revision Notes

The Great Nicobar Project, a proposed ₹72,000 crore infrastructure development initiative, has sparked controversy due to potential environmental and social concerns.

Project Details:

  • Aims to develop an international trade hub on Great Nicobar Island.
  • Key components include:
    • International Container Transhipment Terminal (ICTT)
    • Greenfield international airport
    • Township development
    • Power plant (gas and solar based)

Strategic Significance:

  • The island’s location near the Malacca Strait offers strategic advantages:
    • Participation in regional and global maritime trade.
    • Countering China’s “String of Pearls” strategy.
    • Securing Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) and continental shelf under UNCLOS.

Environmental Concerns:

  • Ecological threats: Project activities could devastate the island’s unique biodiversity, harming endemic and endangered species due to habitat loss.
  • Shompen tribe’s rights: Potential violation of the Shompen, a Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Group (PVTG), by disrupting their traditional way of life.
  • Inadequate consultation: Allegations that the local administration did not properly consult the Tribal Council, as legally mandated.
  • Marine ecosystem impact: Construction and related activities threaten coral reefs and the overall marine ecosystem.
  • Seismic zone vulnerability: The project site is located in an earthquake-prone area, raising concerns about infrastructure stability.

Current Status:

  • The National Green Tribunal (NGT) upheld the project’s environmental and forest clearances in April 2023.
  • However, the NGT ordered the formation of a high-power committee to review the clearances.

The Way Forward:

The Great Nicobar Project requires careful consideration of both development goals and environmental protection. Striking a balance between economic progress and ecological sustainability is crucial. Ensuring the rights and well-being of the Shompen tribe and transparent consultation processes are also essential for responsible project development.


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