Daily Hot Topic

Topic : Uttarakhand Development Dilemma

GS-3 Mains : Environment Conservation

Revision Notes

Why in News ?

  • The Supreme Court’s stay on a hotel project in Kumaon highlights the ongoing challenge of development in Uttarakhand.

Environmental Concerns:

  • Fragile Himalayas: The state’s young Himalayan mountains are geologically unstable and prone to earthquakes and landslides.
  • Report (2016): Uttarakhand has the highest number of unstable zones in the north Himalayas.
  • Deforestation & Construction: Uncontrolled tourism development leads to deforestation, riverbank constructions, and road widening, further destabilizing the region.
  • Climate Change: Accelerated glacial melt increases water levels and weakens the mountains.

Development Needs:

  • Tourism Dependence: Tourism is a major source of income for the state.
  • Infrastructure Challenges: Mountainous terrain hinders infrastructure development crucial for economic growth.
  • Unemployment & Migration: Limited job opportunities force youth to migrate, draining resources from rural areas.


  • Ecological Corridors: Protect wildlife habitats and corridors to maintain biodiversity.
  • Sustainable Tourism: Promote eco-friendly tourism practices, protected areas, and nature reserves.
  • Renewable Energy: Utilize solar, wind, and small-scale hydropower for sustainable energy needs.
  • Rural Infrastructure: Improve infrastructure in rural areas to support agriculture, livelihoods, and community development.
  • Disaster Resilience: Integrate disaster-resilient design into infrastructure planning.
  • Community Engagement: Involve local communities in planning and decision-making to ensure projects align with their needs and traditional knowledge.

Source : https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/sc-halts-90-acre-project-in-kumaon-himalayas-on-a-plea-challenging-single-window-clearances/article68201001.ece

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