Day-20  : Study Targets or Study Time Table 

Arora IAS Prelims Special Programme


 DAY-20 : Challenge

Note- Plz arrange Arihant CSAT book ( Book name Cracking CSAT)


Challenge for Fresher’s Aspirants

 Time Targets : those having 9 to 12 Hours Daily for Study


Shift-1 ( 2 hours) ( Eng and Hindi medium)

Polity laxmikant( 5th or 6th edition..any one)  :

Chapter 74 to 75 & ch-1 & 2


Note we have finished laxmikant one time



Shift-2 (Eng & Hindi medium) 3 hour  

July Current Affairs 2019 ( vision ias or insights or ias parliament )( any ONE only)

Finish it within 5 days

Today is ur 3rd day


 We have finished may+ June  current affairs

Shift -3  (Eng & Hindi medium) ( 2.30 hours)

Start with Spectrum Modern History Ch-1 to 9 and finish within 4 days ( 3rd revision)

Today is ur 2nd  day

Note- We have finished spectrum chapter 10 to 25 for one time



Shift -4 (Eng & Hindi medium) ( 2 hour)


Class -10 & 12 ( Indian eco geo)  Club it and read it for 6 days

Today is ur 1st day


We have finished class 6& 7& 8& 9 geo ncert two time

We have finished 11th class Indian environment geo 2 times


 Shift -5 (Eng & Hindi medium) ( 1 hours)

Now watch profit and loss video for 3 days

Today is ur 3rd day

We have finished problem on ages topic

We have finished average topic


Challenge for Experienced

 Time Targets : those having max 11 Hours Daily for Study


Shift-1 ( 2 hours) ( Eng and Hindi medium)( Revision)

History Chapter 26 to 35 for 3 days ( revision)

Today is ur 1st day  


Note- we have finished Modern History chapter 10 to 25- three  time


Shift-2 (Eng & Hindi medium) 3 hour  

July Current Affairs 2019

Finish it within 6 days

Today is ur  6th  day

Note- we have finished May current affairs



Shift -3  (Eng & Hindi medium) ( 2.30 hours)

Spectrum Modern History – Chapter 26 to 39 for 6 days

Today is ur 3rd day

Note- we have finished Spectrum Modern history chapter 10 to 25

We have finished spectrum modern history chapter 1 to 9 ( 2 times)


Shift -4 (Eng & Hindi medium) ( 2 hour)


Class -10 & 12 ( Indian economic geo ) ( club it ) and read it and finished it within 5 days

Today is ur 1st day

Note- we have finished Geo NCERT class 6+7+8 & 9 ( 3 times)

11th class Indian environment geo 3 times




Shift -5 (Eng & Hindi medium) ( 2 hours)

Start with Direct

Polity Laxmikant ( 5 or 6th edition)

Chapter 66 to 71



Challenge for Working Aspirants

Those having 4 to 5 hours in a day for Study


Shift-1 ( 1.30 hours) ( Eng and Hindi medium)

Polity laxmikant chapter 31 to 41   for 5 days

Today is ur 3rd day



Shift-2 (Eng & Hindi medium) 1.30 hour  

June Current Affairs 2019

Finish it within 6 days

Today is ur 6th day

 We have finished may current affairs 2 times


Shift -3  (Eng & Hindi medium) ( 1 hours)

Spectrum Modern History – Chapter 23 to 25 for 2 days

Today is ur 1st day

DO ( revision)


Note- We have finished spectrum modern history chapter 10 to 25 one time only


Shift -4 (Eng & Hindi medium) ( 1 hour)

Art and culture 11th class New NCERT ( revision)

Now revise this book within 6 days

Today is ur 5th  day


Challenge for Housewife Sisters

Time Targets : those having 6 to 8  Hours Daily for Study


Shift-1 ( 2 hours) ( Eng and Hindi medium)

Geography Class  9 and class 11th Indian environment geo  CLUB it and read it for 4 days ( Revision)

Today is ur 4th day


We have finished geo class 6& 7 & 8  ncert ( revision)


Shift-2 (Eng & Hindi medium) 2 hour  

July  Current Affairs 2019 ( revision)

Finish it within 5 days

Today is ur 2nd  day

Note-  We have finished may + June current affairs 2 times


Shift -3  (Eng & Hindi medium) ( 2 hours)

Spectrum Modern History – Chapter 1 to 9   for 5 days

Today is ur 5th day


We have finished spectrum chapter 10 to 35  one



Shift -4 (Eng & Hindi medium) ( 2 hours)

Start with Direct

Polity Laxmikant ( 5 or 6th edition)

Chapter 42 to 65 for 5 days

Today is ur 1st day


 CSAT one hour

Watch partnership  video and make notes for 2 days ( arora ias videos on youtube)

Today is ur 2nd day

Note- We have finished problem on ages topic


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