Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005

GS-1 or GS-2 Mains : Acts or Women

Short Notes or Revision Notes 

Question : Examine the key provisions and objectives of the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005, highlighting its significance in addressing various forms of abuse against women within households.


  • Enacted in 2006.
  • Aims to protect women (wives or live-in partners) from violence by husbands/partners or their relatives.

Domestic Violence Defined

  • Physical, sexual, verbal, emotional, or economic abuse or threats.
  • Includes harassment for dowry.

Protection Offered

  • Right to reside in shared household (Section 17).
  • Economic relief for victims of economic abuse.
  • Recognition of verbal and emotional abuse.
  • Temporary child custody.
  • Expedited court judgements (within 60 days).
  • Protection for mothers, sisters (including adopted), and daughters.

Protection Officers

  • Appointed by the government to assist women:
    • File cases.
    • Access legal aid.
    • Obtain court relief.

Criticisms of the Act

  • Gender bias – Doesn’t address violence against men.
  • Misuse and false accusations.
  • Family disruption – May hinder reconciliation.
  • Legal complexity and delays.
  • Need for a more comprehensive approach (e.g., addressing poverty, gender inequality).

Arguments in Favor of the Act

  • Comprehensive legal framework for domestic violence.
  • Recognizes various forms of abuse (beyond physical).
  • Empowers victims to seek protection and legal remedies.
  • Provides access to support services (shelters, counseling, legal aid).
  • Promotes gender equality.
  • Fulfills India’s international obligations (e.g., CEDAW).


  • The Act is crucial for:
    • Gender equality.
    • Protecting women’s rights.
    • Creating a safer and more just society.

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