Political Science and International Relations Optional

 Paper – 1 : 2014

(PSIR Optional)


Q1. Comment on the following in about 150 words each: 10 marksx5=50
(a) ” … political theory is not an escape mechanism but an arduous calling.” (John Plamanetz)
(b) “All silencing of discussion is an assumption of infallibility.” (J. S. Mill)
(c) “Nationalism is not a mere political programme but a way of life like religion.” (Aurobindo Ghose)
(d) “India has thrown up a form of judicial democracy that has no parallel anywhere else, and has nurtured a kind of civil society that is uniquely its own.” (Bhikhu Parekh)
(e) “Power is never the property of an individual; it belongs to a group and remains in existence only so long as the group keeps together.” (Hannah Arendt)

2. (a) Comment on the view that socialism in the 21st century may be reborn as anti-capitalism. 20 marks

(b) Examine the conditions that are required for the maintenance of legitimacy in modern societies. 15 marks

(c) Evaluate the contributions of Buddhist tradition to Indian political thought. 15 marks

3. (a) Explicate the conception of justice in the critiques of communitarian theorists. 20 marks

(b) Examine the conception of the State in the ideologies of Fascism and Marxism. 15 marks

(c) How is liberty a precondition for equality? Explicate the relationship between equality and liberty. 15 marks

4. (a) Explain how Machiavelli’s application of empirical method to human affairs marks an important stage in the evolution of political science. 20 marks

(b) Central to Aristotle’s political thought is his classification of the different types of political constitutions in the Politics. Evaluate. 15 marks

(c) Explicate the features of deliberative democracy. 15 marks


5. Answer the following in about 150 words each :

(a) The dilemmas of the human rights movements in India

(b) Relation between ethnicity and democracy in India

(c) Increasingly higher focus on Directive Principles of State Policy

(d) Marginalization of the left ideology in India

(e) The role of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India in promoting good governance

6. Answer the following:

(a) Discuss the working of the National Commission for Scheduled Castes to curb violence against Dalits. 20 marks

(b) Examine the scope and limitations of women’s movements in India. 15 marks

(c) Explain how peasant movements promoted nationalist ideas during the struggle for Indian independence. 15 marks

7. Answer the following:

(a) Discuss the nature of reforms of the electoral process in India and explain the further scope for reforms. 20 marks

(b) Examine the debates on the appointment procedure of judges to the higher judiciary in India. 15 marks

(c) Explain how the participation of women impacted the functioning of rural local bodies in India. 15 marks

8. Answer the following:

(a) Explain how pressure groups have been influencing public policy-making with suitable illustrations. 20 marks

(b) What are the provisions for constitutional protection of right to freedom of religion and how far have they succeeded in promoting secularism in India? 15 marks

(c) Account for the changes in the socio-economic profile of legislators during last one decade in India. 15 marks

Political Science and International Relations Optional

 Paper – 2 : 2014

(PSIR Optional)

Section – A

1. Write on the following in about 150 words each :

(a) Party system in India is neither western nor indigenous. Explain.

(b) In what respect is the new social movement new in nature? Discuss.

(c) Do you agree that the U.N. has failed to contain transnational terrorism? Elaborate your answer with examples.

(d) “The Feminist approach to international politics is biased.” Comment.

(e) “Ukraine crisis is a product of power politics and geo-politics.” Comment.

2. Answer the following:

(a) “Despite so many agreed areas of cooperation, innumerable institutional mechanisms and a permanent secretariat, South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) has not taken off as a meaningful regional grouping.” Discuss. 20 marks

(b) Critically evaluate the approaches of global south towards addressing environment concerns. 15 marks

(c) Critically assess the changing nature of the concept of national security. 15

3. Answer the following:

(a) Argue a case for U.N. reform in the context of changing global milieu. 20 marks

(b) Who was Mr. ‘X’ in international politics? Elaborate his approach to foreign policy. 15 marks

(c) “Morton A. Kaplan’s system theory is contrary to the fundamental precepts of systems approach.” Comment. 15 marks

4. Answer the following:

(a) How do you explain the growing importance of multi-national corporations (MNCs) and civil society in contemporary international politics? 20 marks

(b) What is ‘global village’? Elaborate its main characteristics and also the factors that contributed to its growth. 15 marks

(c) Discuss the main factors that have contributed to the gradual transformation of the world from ‘Billiard Ball Model’ to ‘Cobweb Model’. 15


5. Comment on the following in about 150 words each: 10×5=50 marks

(a) Is India’s quest for a permanent seat in the Security Council a possibility or just a pipedream? Elaborate with reasons.

(b) “Afghanistan is a litmus test for India’s ascendance as a regional and global power.” Discuss.

(c) “EU – India relations have a long way to go before they can purposely be termed strategic.” Discuss.

(d) Do you agree with the view that the USA is of late willing to treat India as a partner rather than merely a camp-follower? Give reasons for your answer.

(e) Discuss the grounds for India’s opposition to NPT.

6.Answer the following:

(a) Evaluate the recent changes in Indo – Japan relations. 20 marks

(b) “Federal units are critical in the making of India’s foreign policy.” Examine this statement with reference to the role of West Bengal vis-à-vis Bangladesh. 15 marks

(c) “India’s policy of non-alignment has been guided by the genius of the Indian people and their interests.” Explain. 15 marks

7.Answer the following:

(a) Analyse the drivers of Indo – Russian relations in the post-Cold-War era. 20 marks

(b) Examine the implications of turmoil in Iraq and West Asia for India’s security and foreign policy concerns. 15 marks

(c) Evaluate India’s participation in United Nations peace-keeping operations over the years. 15 marks

8. Answer the following:

(A)The Ministry of External Affairs is losing its importance in the making of India’s foreign policy with the parallel rise of the P.M.O. Explain. 20 marks

(b) “Some of the major changes that occurred in India’s foreign policy after the Sino – India war in 1962 were within the larger framework of continuity.” Discuss. 15 marks

(c) In the history of foreign policy, seldom have relations between any two nations blossomed as fast as they have in the case of India and Israel. Discuss. 15 marks

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