Political Science and International Relations Optional

 Paper – 1 : 2016

(PSIR Optional)

Section – A

1. Comment on the following in about 150 words each: 10×5=50 marks

  • (a) “How would I and my fellow human beings behave if we were to find ourselves in a state of nature, and what does this behaviour tell us about our innate predispositions ?” (Thomas Hobbes) 10 marks
  • (b) The Post-Behavioural Approach. 10 marks
  • (c) Affirmative Action. 10 marks
  • (d) Dr. B. R. Ambedkar’s idea of state socialism. 10 marks
  • (e) Gramsci’s concept of Hegemony. 10 marks


  • (a) “The Political ideology of Globalization is Neo-liberalism.” Comment. 20 marks
  • (b) Discuss Feminist theory of the State. 15 marks
  • (c) Critically examine John Rawl’s argument for democratic equality. 15 marks


  • (a) Discuss Sri Aurobindo’s views on Cultural Nationalism. 20 marks
  • (b) Explain Marx’s understanding of Human Essence and Alienation. 15 marks
  • (c) “The implementation of human rights is regarded as a matter of changing the conduct of States.” Comment. 15 marks


  • (a) Discuss Hannah Arendt’s analysis of the role of Ideology in modern totalitarian regimes.20 marks
  • (b) Explicate the features of Representative Democracy. 15 marks
  • (c) Examine Gandhi’s critique of Modernisation 15 marks

Section – B

5. Comment on the following in about 150 words each: 10×5=50 marks

  • (a) Critically examine the Radical Humanist perspective on Indian National Movement. 10 marks
  • (b) Cultural and Regional differences are the enduring bases on which politics is played out in India. 10 marks
  • (c) Article 368 does not enable Parliament to alter the basic structure or framework of the Constitution’. 10 marks
  • (d) The purpose of the 42nd Constitutional Amendment was to make the economic and social democracy explicitly visible. 10 marks
  • (e) The philosophy and administration of the distribution of powers between Centre and State is required to be re-assessed. 10 marks


  • (a) Critically examine the politics of Economic growth in India. 20 marks
  • (b) Comment on the emergence of Backward classes in Indian Politics. 15 marks
  • (c) Discuss the pattern of Political Parties from one dominant party system to coalition politics in national politics. 15 marks


  • (a) Land reforms have failed in the eradication of rural poverty. Comment. 20 marks
  • (b) Critically examine the role of the Governor in recent times. 15 marks
  • (c) Discuss the Right to Information and underline the challenges being posed before it. 15 marks


  • (a) The goal of Good governance will be achieved only by strengthening the grassroots level of democracy. 20 marks
  • (b) Examine the objective and role of the National Human Rights Commission. 15 marks
  • (c) Critically examine the provisions made in the Constitution for the protection of the Environment. 15 marks

Political Science and International Relations Optional

 Paper – 2 : 2016

(PSIR Optional)

Section – A

1. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each: 10×5=50 marks

  • (a) Critically examine the Marxist aspect of political economy approach to the study of comparative politics.
  • (b) Comment on the decline of political parties and examine whether slew social movements shall be alternative strategy for establishing link between government and society.
  • (c) Discuss the impact of globalization on the internal functioning of the state.
  • (d) Critically examine the functional and system approaches to the study of international relations,
  • (e) “A combination of internal pressures (ethnic and regional forces) and external threats (EU, UN, TNC, global market, etc) has produced what is commonly referred to as a ‘crisis of the nation-state’.” Elaborate.


  • (a)Why does global human security need to be emphasized along with economic security? Explain with examples. 20 marks
  • (b) Do you endorse that the United Nations needs major changes in its structures and functioning? Suggest the changes for efficient improvements. 15 marks
  • Discuss the evolution of non-proliferation of nuclear weapons in the post-Cold War period. 15 marks


  • (a) “The IMF, World Bank, G-7, GATT and other structures are designed to serve the interests of TNCs, banks and investment firms in a ‘new imperial age’.” Substantiate with examples of governance of new world order. 20 marks
  • (b) Examine in brief the rise and fall of the Cold War. 15 marks
  • (c) How does the regionalism shape the world politics? Explain with examples. 15 marks


  • (a) Explain the instruments and methods devised for the promotion of national interest.
  • (b) “The notion of balance of power is notoriously full of confusion.” In light of this quotation, do you think that the concept of balance of power is relevant? 15 marks
  • (c) Do interest groups help to promote democracy or to undermine it? Give your opinion. 15 marks

Section – B

5. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each: 10×5=50 marks

  • (a) Which determinant factors play an important role in making India’s foreign policy? Illustrate with examples.
  • (b) Comment on India’s contribution to Non-Alignment Movement and its contemporary relevance.
  • (c) Illustrate the main causes of tension between India and China. Suggest the possibilities of improving relationship. Critically analyze India’s nuclear policy.
  • (d) “Sometimes we visualize that SAARC’s efforts come to halt because of various impediments to regional cooperation.” (e) (e) Elaborate with reasonable examples of impediments.


  • (a)Explain Britain’s ouster from EU and bring out its consequences on world economy in general and India in particular. 20 marks
  • (b) Comment on India’s growing relationship with USA in the background of constrained relations between India and China. 15 marks
  • (c) Critically analyze China’s role in international politics against India’s demand for permanent seat in UN Security Council. 15 marks


  • (a) Examine the main problems and challenges involved in looking after environmental concerns in world politics. 20 marks
  • (b) Explain the concept of the North-South divide and suggest how structural inequalities between the high wage, high-investment industrial North and low-wage, low-investment predominantly rural South can be reduced. 15 marks
  • (c) Discuss the positive and negative impacts of Soviet Union’s disintegration on developing nations. 15 marks


  • (a) Explain the socio-economic impacts of arms race and identify the obstacles in the way of disarmament 20 marks.
  • (b) What are the hopes and aspirations of ‘Look East Policy of India? Explain. 15 marks
  • (c) Discuss the shift of India’s foreign policy towards Pakistan in the light of the Pathankot incident. 15 marks

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