Q1: consider the following statements regarding natural resources of Assam and choose the correct options


  1. Assam has Kaziranga National Park and Manas Wildlife Sanctuary out of the two only Kaziranga National Park is a UNESCO World Heritage site
  2. Dibru Saikhowa National Park, Nameri National Park and the Orang National Park are located in Assam.
  3. Manas wildlife sanctuary is a home to Indian one-horned rhinoceros
  4. Assam is the largest producer of crude oil in India.


  1. 1, 3 and 4 only
  2. 2 and 4 only
  3. 2, 3 and 4 only
  4. all of the above


answer: b



Kaziranga is a home to Indian one-horned rhinoceros which has also been recognized as the State Animal of Assam. Assam has abundant mineral resources- coal, petroleum; limestone and natural gas are the principal mineral resources. It is also the largest producer of crude oil in India.


Q2. Bharni, Katchni, Tantrik, Godna, and Kohbar are distinctive styles of which of the following folk paintings?

  1. Madhubani Painting
  2. Warli Painting
  3. Kalamkari Painting
  4. Pattachitra Painting


Answer: a


Madhubani painting has its origins in Maithili village of Bihar, characterized by line drawings filled in by bright colours and contrasts or patterns.

 Their various styles include Bharni, Katchni, Tantrik, Godna, and Kohbar, which would historically be painted only by women from the upper strata in the caste system, who would make them on mud walls on special occasions.


Q3: consider the following statements regarding Atomic power in India and choose the correct options


  1. KAPP-3 is the country’s first 700 MWe (megawatt electric) unit
  2. KAAP-3 is biggest variant of the Pressurized Heavy Water Reactor (PHWR) developed in collaboration with Russia
  3. KAPP-3 addresses the issue of excess thermal margins. Thermal margin refers to the extent to which the operating temperature of the reactor is below its maximum operating temperature.
  4. KAPP-3 is located in Rajasthan.


  1. 1, 4 only
  2. 1, 2 and 3 only
  3. 1 and 3 only
  4. all of the above


answer: c



Kakrapar Atomic Power Project (KAPP-3) in Tapi district of Gujarat achieved its first criticality. Criticality is the first step towards power production. A nuclear reactor is said to be critical when the nuclear fuel inside a reactor sustains a fission chain reaction.

KAPP-3 is the country’s first 700 MWe (megawatt electric) unit, and the biggest indigenously developed variant of the Pressurized Heavy Water Reactor (PHWR). Until now, the biggest reactor size of indigenous design was the 540 MWe, two of which have been deployed in Tarapur, Maharashtra.


Q4. Consider the following statements with respect to “Haloarchaea” and choose the correct options

  1. It is a bacteria culture, which produces pink pigment.
  2. They are found in water saturated with salt.


  1. 1 only
  2. 2 only
  3. Both 1 and 2
  4. Neither 1 nor 2


Answer: c


 Haloarchaea or halophilic archaea is a bacteria culture, which produces pink pigment.  It is found in water saturated with salt. Haloarchaea requires salt concentrations in excess of 2 M (or about 10%) to grow, and optimal growth usually occurs at much higher concentrations, typically 20–25%.

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