Daily Hot Topic

G7 Countries Lag on Climate Action: Reports

GS-2 Mains


Reports Released on April 23rd:

  • Climate inaction by developed countries: Highlighted by two reports.
  • Impact on Asia: Makes Asia the world’s “disaster capital” according to World Meteorological Organization (WMO).

G7 Emission Cuts:

  • G7 falling short of emission reduction targets as per the Paris Agreement.
  • Aim: Limit global temperature rise to 1.5°C compared to pre-industrial levels.
  • Finding by Climate Analytics: G7 on track to achieve only half the necessary reductions by 2030.

Report Significance:

  • Released before G7 Climate Ministers Meeting (April 28th, Italy).
  • Highlights lack of action from developed nations despite their resources.

Overall Impact:

  • High cost of inaction for climate-vulnerable regions, especially Asia.


G7 Countries Fall Short on Climate Pledges (Report)

Emission Reduction Targets:

  • G7 needs a 58% cut by 2030 (compared to 2019) to limit warming to 1.5°C.
  • Current G7 target: 40-42% (insufficient).
  • Existing policies suggest they’ll only achieve 19-33% by 2030.

Recommendations for G7:

  • Phase out domestic coal power by 2030, gas power by 2035.
  • End public funding for fossil fuels abroad.
  • Triple renewable energy and double energy efficiency by 2030.
  • Increase international climate finance beyond $100 billion goal.

Overall Impact:

  • G7 economies (38% of global GDP) not doing enough despite resources.
  • World Bank/IMF show slight increase in climate finance, but insufficient.
  • G7 needs to prioritize fixing climate finance to enable collective action.

India’s Climate Challenges: Siloed Governance and Urgent Action Needed

Climate Impacts and Report Findings:

  • WMO report highlights rapid warming in India, exceeding the global average (1991-2023).
  • Experts warn India is particularly vulnerable due to:
    • Warming oceans on three sides
    • Melting Himalayan glaciers
  • Increased frequency of extreme weather events:
    • 50% rise in Arabian Sea cyclones (past 4 decades)
    • Projections of more severe cyclones

Gaps in Climate Governance:

  • Lack of integration between climate-related ministries (e.g., earth science, environment, agriculture).
  • Top-down policies not well-coordinated with ground-level action.
  • Absence of climate change as a major political discussion point (2024 Lok Sabha Elections).

Recommendations for Improvement:

  • Strengthen communication and collaboration between relevant ministries.
  • Develop rigorous climate adaptation plans at the district level.
  • Establish a dedicated climate change ministry or multidisciplinary committee.
  • Involve climate experts in policymaking.

Overall Significance:

  • WMO report emphasizes the urgency of evidence-based climate policies in India.
  • Early warning systems and enhanced climate services are crucial for adaptation.

Source : https://www.downtoearth.org.in/news/climate-change/g7-way-off-track-in-emission-cuts-to-achieve-1-5-c-target-finding-significant-as-wmo-says-asia-global-disaster-capital–95777



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