The Hindu Editorial Summary

Topic 1: It is time to operationalise the Indian Defence University

GS-2 Mains Exam  : Health

Revision Notes


Question : Critically assess the necessity of a dedicated Indian Defence University (IDU) in light of the evolving nature of warfare and global trends in military education. Discuss the potential benefits of establishing the IDU for India’s national security and defense preparedness.

Key Points:

  • Need for Military Education:
    • The changing nature of warfare demands well-educated military officers capable of handling complex security challenges.
    • This requires a strong Professional Military Education (PME) system.
  • Global Trend:
    • Many nations have established dedicated “defence universities” to enhance strategic thinking within their armed forces.
    • Pakistan has 2, China has 3+ (60+ with military links), highlighting the global trend.
  • India’s Lacking IDU:
    • India’s long-overdue Indian Defence University (IDU) remains non-operational, raising concerns.
    • This delays crucial advancements in military education and strategic preparation.

Slow Progress in Establishing the Indian Defence University (IDU)

Need for Broad-Based Military Education:

  • The Indian armed forces, like others, require a comprehensive education system with strong academic rigor.
  • This need was recognized soon after independence, leading to the proposal for a Defence Services University in 1967.
  • In principle, the IDU’s establishment in Gurgaon received approval in May 2010. However, progress has been slow despite positive reports in 2017-18.

Shortcomings of Existing System:

  • While India boasts world-class training institutions within its armed forces, they lack:
    • An integrated Professional Military Education (PME) framework.
    • A multi-disciplinary approach to strategic thinking.

IDU as the Solution:

  • The IDU aims to address these shortcomings by providing:
    • A central institution for higher military learning.
    • A qualified faculty combining academics with serving/retired military and civil service officers.
    • A curriculum that unites theory with practical application.
    • Diverse courses relevant to national security and defense across various disciplines.

Why RRU Doesn’t Replace IDU:

  • Some argue the recently established Rashtriya Raksha University (RRU) in Gujarat renders the IDU unnecessary.
  • This argument is flawed due to fundamental differences:
    • The RRU Act doesn’t explicitly mention “defence” education in its objectives.
    • Its curriculum isn’t solely focused on military requirements for war management and plan execution.

Urgency for IDU Operationalization:

  • Delays in establishing the IDU compromise:
    • Defence preparedness.
    • Strategic culture development.
    • Inter-service integration.
  • Operationalizing the IDU with a well-designed and future-oriented military education curriculum is crucial for building a strong foundation for joint warfighting capabilities.



The Hindu Editorial Summary

Topic-2 : Where does ‘us versus them’ bias in the brain come from?

GS-2 Mains Exam  : Health

Revision Notes

Key Points:

  • Implicit bias:
    • People subconsciously favor their own social group (in-group) over others (out-group).
    • This bias is found universally, regardless of the participant’s racial identity.
    • It is measured using the Implicit Association Test (IAT).
  • Brain regions involved:
    • In-group and out-group processing activates different brain areas.
    • The amygdala, responsible for fear and threat detection, is more active when processing out-group members as threats.
  • Learned behavior:
    • Bias is not inherent but learned through cultural associations and brain biology.
    • It doesn’t guarantee hostility towards out-group members, but threat perception can lead to it.
  • Biology behind social narratives:
    • “Facts of life” narratives often rely on misinterpretations of brain responses.
    • Understanding our own biology can help us critically evaluate such narratives.

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