Daily Hot Topic

Topic : National Security Advisor Proposes CAPF Integration

GS-3 Mains : Security

Revision Notes

Why in News ?

  • National Security Advisor Ajit Doval suggested integrating the Central Armed Police Forces (CAPF) similar to the joint theater commands in the Indian Armed Forces.

CAPF Overview:

  • CAPFs are central police organizations under the Ministry of Home Affairs.
  • Responsible for internal security and border guarding.
  • Seven Forces:
    • Assam Rifles (AR): Border security, counter-insurgency, and law and order in Northeast India.
    • Border Security Force (BSF): Guards Pakistan & Bangladesh borders, also deployed in Left Wing Extremism (LWE) areas.
    • Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP): Guards the Indo-China border.
    • Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB): Guards Indo-Nepal and Indo-Bhutan borders.
    • National Security Guard (NSG): Counter-terrorism unit with personnel from CAPFs and Indian Army.
    • Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF): Handles internal security duties, with a large presence in North East, LWE areas, and Jammu and Kashmir.
    • Central Industrial Security Force (CISF): Secures PSUs, critical infrastructure, airports, and provides security during elections and for VIPs.

Challenges Faced by CAPF:

  • High Stress:
    • Continuous deployment in difficult conditions leads to high stress and low morale.
    • Over 50,000 personnel quit in the past five years (MHA data).
  • Overburdening:
    • Vacancies lead to overworked existing personnel, impacting efficiency and mental health.
  • Bureaucracy:
    • Slow decision-making and red tape hinder equipment procurement, welfare measures, and reforms.
  • Leadership Selection:
    • Resentment exists when leaders with no CAPF experience are appointed.
  • Coordination with State Police:
    • Collaboration is crucial, but hindered by jurisdictional issues, communication gaps, and conflicting strategies.

Proposed Benefits of Integration:

  • Homogeneity:
    • Integration aims to achieve uniformity in deployment across various situations.
  • Resource Optimization:
    • Forces can pool resources for better utilization of platforms, weapons, and assets.
  • Improved Coordination:
    • An integrated structure simplifies communication between different forces.

Source :  https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/nsa-ajit-doval-suggests-integration-of-capfs-during-deployment/article68210879.ece#:~:text=Mr.%20Doval%20while%20speaking%20at,is%20%E2%80%9C


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