Daily Current Affairs

To The Point Notes



1.WIPO Treaty on Intellectual Property, Genetic Resources & Traditional Knowledge 

  • Landmark Treaty:

    • 1st WIPO treaty in a decade (27th total).
    • 1st to address Indigenous Peoples’ rights on genetic resources & traditional knowledge.
  • Negotiations:

    • Proposed by Colombia (1999).
    • Officially began in 2021.
    • Finalized at a diplomatic conference (May 13-24, 2024) in Geneva.
  • Key Provisions:

    • Mandatory disclosure for patent applicants:
      • Country of origin for genetic resources used in inventions.
      • Indigenous Peoples/local communities who provided traditional knowledge.
  • Entry into Force: Requires ratification by 15 countries.
  • Significance:

    • Promotes a more inclusive IP system for diverse countries and communities.
    • Protects traditional knowledge from exploitation.
    • Particularly relevant for India with its rich biodiversity (7-8% of world’s) and traditional knowledge.




2.Mrugavani National Park (Hyderabad, Telangana)

  • Reduced in size by 80 hectares (reason unspecified).
  • 3.6 sq km area (1211 acres).
  • Diverse flora (600+ species) including teak, bamboo & sandalwood.
  • Fauna:

    • Mammals – Cheetal, Sambar deer, wild boar, jungle cat & spotted deer (350)
    • Reptiles – Snakes (rat snakes, vipers, cobras), monitor lizards
    • Birds – Peacocks, warblers, partridges, flower peckers & more

Source : https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/telangana/eighty-hectares-of-mrugavani-national-park-disappear-into-thin-air/article68207852.ece



3.DD Kisan Gets a Tech Upgrade with AI Anchors

  • AI Anchors – Krish & Bhoomi

    • Speak in 50+ languages (Indian & foreign)
    • Deliver agricultural news 24/7
    • Inform farmers nationwide on:
      • Agricultural research (local & global)
      • Market trends
      • Weather updates
      • Government schemes
  • DD Kisan – Only Govt. Channel for Farmers

    • Established: May 26, 2015
    • Objective: Empower farmers with information on:
      • Weather changes
      • Market fluctuations (global & local)
      • Successful farming practices
    • Promotes holistic rural development through education
    • Focuses on balanced farming (agriculture, animal husbandry, plantation)


Source : https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/dd-kisan-deploys-two-ai-anchors-ai-krish-ai-bhoomi/article68218458.ece



4.Smart Electricity Meters

Why in News?

Recent protests in Gujarat against pre-paid smart meters due to overcharging claims.

Smart Meters:

  • Advanced digital replacements for traditional analog electricity meters.
  • Offer real-time data, bi-directional communication, and additional features.

Key Features:

  • Real-time Data: Consumers can monitor usage and adjust consumption patterns.
  • Remote Reading: Eliminates manual meter reading visits by utility companies.
  • Bi-directional Communication: Tracks energy consumption every 30 minutes and sends updates to consumers and distribution companies.
  • Prepaid Option: Enables consumers to pay for electricity in advance, promoting financial planning and reducing arrears.
  • Reduced Theft/Losses: Helps detect theft and technical losses, improving revenue collection for utilities.
    • Equipped with firmware to alert utilities of emergencies (overheating, power failure).

Current Status in India (as of Feb 2023):

  • 5.5 million smart meters deployed by Power Distribution Companies (DisComs).
  • Ambitious goal: Replace 250 million conventional meters with pre-paid smart meters by 2025-26 under Revamped Distribution Sector Scheme (RDSS).


  • Energy Conservation: Consumers can monitor usage and make adjustments.
  • Billing Accuracy: Real-time data reduces billing errors.
  • Load Management: Utilities can optimize power distribution based on real-time data.
  • Consumer Empowerment: More informed consumers with greater control.


  • Affordability and potential overpricing.
  • Infrastructure gaps for effective implementation.
  • Lack of consumer awareness about benefits and usage.
  • Data privacy and security concerns.

Source  : https://indianexpress.com/article/explained/gujarat-unhappy-smart-meters-9349912/



5.German Cockroach (Blattella germanica)

  • One of the most common insects worldwide.
  • Prefers warm, moist areas with access to food and water (kitchens, bathrooms).
  • Active at night, hiding in dark places during the day.
  • Evolved from the Asian cockroach (Blattella asahinai) around 2,100 years ago (recent study).
  • Originated in human settlements of India and Myanmar.
  • Health Risks: carries bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Can trigger allergies and spread diseases like diarrhea, hepatitis A, and salmonella.

Source : https://indianexpress.com/article/explained/explained-sci-tech/german-cockroach-conquered-world-9351660/



6.Alternative voting methods in India’s electoral framework

  • Postal Ballots
  • Facilitation Centres
  • Postal Voting Centres (PVCs)
  • Home Voting

Postal Ballots:

  • Eligibility:
    • Special Voters (President, Vice President, Governors, Cabinet Ministers, spouses)
    • Service Voters (Armed forces, paramilitary, state police, government employees abroad, spouses)
    • Voters on Election Duty (observers, polling officers, agents, police, public servants)
    • Electors Under Preventive Detention
    • Absentee Voters (Senior citizens 85+, persons with disabilities, COVID-19 affected, essential services)
  • Process:
    • Apply within specified timeframe
    • Service voters and preventive detention voters receive automatically
    • Voting before poll date, outside polling station, without EVMs
    • Electronically Transmitted Postal Ballot System (ETPBS) for service voters

Facilitation Centres:

    • For voters on election duty to vote using postal ballots
    • Located at training venues and designated offices
    • Voting process videotaped for security
    • Votes cast into steel trunk, postal ballots stored in labelled cotton bags

Postal Voting Centres (PVCs):

    • For absentee voters in essential services (AVES)
    • Operate on fixed schedules before election (3 days, 9 AM – 5 PM)
    • Candidates can send observers

Home Voting:

  • Eligibility: Senior citizens 85+, persons with disabilities, COVID-19 affected
  • Process:
    • Booth Level Officers (BLOs) deliver and collect Form 12D
    • Teams visit homes (2 poll officers, police, micro-observer, videographer)
    • Notifications via SMS, post, or BLO
    • Completed a day before polls, candidates/agents observe
  • Voting in a Different Polling Centre:
    • Election Duty Certificate (EDC) for duty within constituency (vote via EVM)
    • Postal ballot if deployed in another constituency
  • Proxy Voting:
    • Eligibility: Service voters in armed and paramilitary forces
    • Appoint local resident as proxy, proxy’s left middle finger marked
  • Assisted Voting:
    • Eligibility: Electors unable to vote due to blindness or disabilities
    • Presiding Officer allows companion over 18 to assist, companion’s right index finger marked
  • Conclusion: Ensures every eligible voter can participate democratically


Source : https://indianexpress.com/article/explained/special-categories-voters-9351088/

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