
  • Classical dance form from Kerala.
  • Named after Mohini, the enchanting avatar of Vishnu.
  • Rooted in Natya Shastra, follows the Lasya style (delicate, erotic, feminine).
  • Traditionally a solo dance performed by women after extensive training.
  • Repertoire includes Carnatic music, singing, and acting a play through dance.


Australian Carbon Credit Unit (ACCU) Scheme

  • Key part of Australia’s carbon market.
  • Encourages emission reduction/storage projects (individuals, businesses).
  • Projects earn ACCUs (1 per tonne of CO₂-e) for emissions avoided/sequestered.
  • ACCUs can be sold on the secondary market or to the Australian Government.


  • Study found underperformance in native forest projects.
  • Questionable carbon credits earned despite stagnant/shrinking woodlands.


T+0 Settlement Cycle

  • Stock market trades settled on the same day (vs. T+1 – next day).
  • Applies to specific trades between 9:15 AM and 1:30 PM initially.
  • Phased implementation:
    • Phase 1: Settlement by 4:30 PM for trades executed by 1:30 PM.
    • Phase 2: Extends trading time to 3:30 PM, discontinuing Phase 1.


  • Increased liquidity for investors and traders.
  • More trading opportunities and reduced settlement risks.
  • Faster access to 100% of cash for sellers.

RBI Norms for Alternative Investment Funds (AIFs)

  • Privately pooled investment funds (domestic/foreign).
  • Regulations address concerns about misuse by lenders (evergreening loans).

New Norms:

  • REs provision for investments based on AIF’s investment in debtor’s company, not entire AIF scheme.
  • Downstream investments exclude equity shares in debtor company, include other investments (hybrid instruments).

Mushk Budji Rice

  • Aromatic indigenous rice variety from Kashmir.
  • Faced threats of extinction due to disease, low yield, and profitability.
  • Revival program launched in 2007 by SKUAST scientists.
  • Awarded Geographical Indication Tag in 2023 (Anantnag District, J&K).
  • Study (Nature Scientific Reports) highlights the role of altitude and temperature in aroma development.


Global Trade Update Report

  • Global Trade:Down 3% in 2023.
  • Goods Trade:Down 5% in 2023.
  • Services Trade:Up 8% in 2023.
  • India’s Services Exports:Grew 14% in 2023.

UNCTAD (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development):

  • Established in 1964 to promote trade, investment, and development.
  • Permanent UN organ with 190+ members.
  • Headquarters: Geneva, Switzerland.
  • Functions: Addresses development challenges, integrates developing countries into trade, and promotes economic diversification.

H5N1 Bird Flu

  • Bird flu (avian flu):Infectious viral illness affecting poultry and wild birds.
  • H5N1:Highly pathogenic strain posing a threat since 2020.
  • “H” & “N”:Hemagglutinin & neuraminidase – proteins on the virus surface for entering/exiting host cells.


Krishi Integrated Command and Control Centre (ICCC)


  • A significant leap forward in using technology for agriculture.

What is it?

  • Tech-based solution with multiple IT applications for informed decision-making.
  • Housed in the Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers’ Welfare.
  • Uses AI, remote sensing, GIS to collect and process agricultural data.


  • Data Visualization:Presents data on:
    • Crop yields, production
    • Drought situations
    • Cropping patterns (geographic & year-wise)
    • Trends, outliers, KPIs
    • Agriculture schemes & initiatives
  • Data Sources:
    • Remote sensing data
    • Soil survey data
    • Weather data (IMD)
    • Sowing data (Digital Crop Survey)
    • Farmer data (Krishi MApper)
    • Market intelligence (UPAg)
    • Yield estimation (GCES)
  • Future Potential:
    • Individual farmer advisories through apps like Kisan e-mitra.
    • Customized advisories based on mobile number/Aadhaar data.

Benefits (Examples):

  • Farmer’s Advisory:Provides customized advice on crops, water & fertilizer requirements based on soil data & weather.
  • Drought Actions:Helps understand reasons for yield increase/decrease and enables proactive decisions.
  • Crop Diversification:Identifies regions with potential for diversified cropping.
  • Farm Data Repository:Creates a central repository for agriculture data (Krishi Decision Support System).

Critical Tech Sectors

What are Critical Tech Sectors?

  • Technologies identified by the government as crucial for:
    • Economic growth
    • National security
    • Technological advancement
  • Often involve cutting-edge research, innovation, and strategic importance.
  • Examples: AI, Quantum computing, IoT, Blockchain


  • Promotes technological leadership & cooperation.
  • Deters foreign economic espionage.
  • Drives innovation, competitiveness, job creation, and GDP growth.
  • Enhances enterprise security and protects critical infrastructure.


  • Skill gap between graduates and industry needs.
  • Brain drain in AI and related fields.
  • Need for increased R&D funding and investment.
  • Competition from other countries like China and USA.
  • Addressing energy consumption, e-waste management, and sustainable practices.


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