GI Tags to Majuli Masks and Majuli Manuscript Paintings

Narasapur Crochet Lace Craft (Andhra Pradesh)

  • Location: 19 mandals in West Godavari district of the Godavari region.
  • Origin: Developed by women of the farming community around 150 years ago.
  • Products: Lacework done with thin threads and needles, vibrant colors.
  • Market: Exported to countries like UK, USA, France.

Majuli Masks and Majuli Manuscript Paintings (Assam)

  • Location: Majuli, the largest river island in the world.
  • Masks:
    • Handmade, used in neo-Vaishnavite “bhaona” performances.
    • Depict gods, goddesses, demons, animals, birds.
    • Made from bamboo, clay, dung, cloth, cotton, wood.
    • Introduced by 15th-16th century reformer saint Srimanta Sankardeva.
    • Primarily made in four Sattras (monasteries).
  • Paintings:
    • Done on sanchi pat (manuscripts from sanchi/agar tree bark) with homemade ink.
    • Feature unique manuscript writing styles.
    • Depict Hindu epics like Bhagavata Purana.
    • Patronized by Ahom kings, practiced in every Sattra.

Benefits of GI Tags

  • Legal protection for products with specific geographic origin.
  • Prevents unauthorized use of the GI tag.
  • Promotes economic prosperity of producers in the region.
  • Boosts exports.


Advisory to Generative AI Companies For Electoral Process

About the Advisory:

  • Content Regulation: Mandates intermediaries to prevent hosting or sharing unlawful content as per IT Act.
  • Electoral Process Integrity: Ensures AI models do not compromise electoral process integrity.
  • Explicit Permission for Under-Testing AI: Deployment of under-tested AI models requires explicit government permission.
  • User Awareness: Users must be informed about consequences of engaging with unlawful content.
  • Labeling for Deepfakes and Misinformation: AI-generated content must be labeled for identification of origin and misinformation.

What is Generative Artificial Intelligence?

  • AI algorithms generating new content resembling human-created content.
  • Relies on deep learning to create original text, images, audio, and videos.

Application of Generative AI:

  • Art and Design, Content Creation, Media Production, Data Augmentation.
  • Used across industries like Logistics, Travel, Supply Chain, and Marketing.

Need for Regulation:

  • Lack of transparency and neutrality in AI tools.
  • Susceptibility to biases, discriminatory outcomes, and manipulative algorithms.
  • Risks of deepfakes damaging reputations and undermining democratic institutions.
  • Concerns over data privacy and uncontrollable AI advancement.

Existing Laws in India:

  • Provisions under IT Act address deepfake crimes, privacy violations, and malicious intent.
  • Sections 66E, 66D, 67, 67A, and 67B cover various aspects of AI-related crimes and offenses.

Way Ahead:


  • Equip individuals against deepfake misuse through awareness and resources.
  • Develop comprehensive AI governance beyond laws to ensure safety and awareness.


Ladakh and Article 371


  • Protests in Ladakh for protection of land, jobs, and cultural identity.


  • Ladakh, formerly part of J&K, became a UT in 2019 without a Legislative Assembly.
  • Ladakhi groups demand Sixth Schedule inclusion for protections similar to those offered to tribal areas.
  • National Commission for Scheduled Tribes recommended Ladakh’s inclusion in 2019.

Sixth Schedule

  • Provides for Autonomous District Councils (ADCs) with legislative, judicial, and administrative autonomy within a state.
  • Applies to tribal areas in Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura, and Mizoram.
  • ADCs have powers like collecting taxes, regulating trade, establishing public facilities.

Article 371

  • Articles 371 and 371A-J provide special provisions for specific states.
  • Allow autonomy for certain groups over their affairs.
  • Could offer similar protections for Ladakh’s local population.

Centre’s Opinion

  • Ladakh administration already addressing socio-economic development.
  • Increased reservation for Scheduled Tribes to 45%.
  • Sixth Schedule typically for Northeast states.

Way Ahead

  • Including Ladakh in Sixth Schedule might be difficult.
  • Fifth Schedule exists for tribal areas in other states.
  • Fifth Schedule criteria: tribal population, compactness, underdevelopment, economic disparity.
  • 10 states currently have Fifth Schedule Areas.



Jim Corbett National Park: Tiger Safari Ban in Core Areas


  • Supreme Court bans tiger safaris in the core areas of Jim Corbett National Park.


  • Safaris limited to peripheral and buffer zones for wildlife conservation with minimal disruption to core habitats.
  • Jim Corbett National Park: Highest tiger population in India (260 within the reserve, 319 utilizing it).

Core & Buffer Zones of Biosphere Reserves

  • Core zone: Strictly protected, no human activity.
  • Buffer zone: Limited human activity (research, eco-tourism).

Impact of Tourism on Wildlife

  • Unregulated tourism harms wildlife:
    • Habitat destruction and fragmentation.
    • Disruption of natural behaviors (stress, reproduction).
    • Pollution (emissions, waste).

Corbett National Park

  • Located in Uttarakhand, established in 1936.
  • Home to Royal Bengal tigers, elephants, and diverse birdlife.
  • Launched Project Tiger in 1973.

Way Ahead

  • Court bans safaris in core areas to protect ecosystems.
  • Safaris allowed in peripheral and buffer zones with regulations.
  • Balances promoting tourism with preserving the park.




Project Seabird: Indian Navy’s Growing Base


  • Defence Minister inaugurates infrastructure projects at Karwar naval base under Project Seabird.
  • Includes piers, residential towers for growing fleet and enhanced capabilities.

Project Details

  • Creates a naval base at Karwar, Karnataka (west coast).
  • Approved in 1999 to address congestion in Mumbai harbor.
  • First phase (2011) accommodated 10 ships.
  • Phase-IIA adds berthing for 32 ships, submarines, and 23 yardcraft.


Dry Ice: Safety Precautions

  • Solid CO2 at -78.5°C (-109.3°F).
  • Made by compressing CO2 gas (sublimation).
  • Used as coolant (perishable items).
  • Extremely cold: avoid contact to prevent frostbite/burns.


Two-Child Rule Upheld in Rajasthan

Supreme Court Verdict

  • SC upholds Rajasthan’s Rule 24(4) barring candidates with more than 2 children from police force.
  • Rule deemed non-discriminatory and constitutional.


  • Rajasthan law disqualifies those with over two children on or after June 1, 2002 for Subordinate Police Services.
  • “Population control and family planning” is a concurrent list subject, allowing both Centre and states to legislate.
  • Similar two-child policies exist for local government positions in other states.

Examples of Similar Laws

  • Rajasthan Panchayati Raj Act (1994): Disqualification for panchayat elections.
  • Odisha Zilla Parishad Act (1991): Disqualification for contesting Zilla Parishad elections.
  • Gujarat Local Authorities Laws Act (1962): Disqualification for local body elections.


ISRO’s Second Rocket Launch Port

Location and Benefits

  • Prime Minister Modi laid the foundation stone for ISRO’s second launchport in Kulasekarapattinam, Tamil Nadu.
  • This location offers a geographical advantage for Small Satellite Launch Vehicle (SSLV) missions.
  • Unlike Satish Dhawan Space Centre, launches from Kulasekarapattinam won’t require trajectory adjustments to avoid Sri Lanka, saving fuel.

About SSLVs

  • SSLVs are designed to launch small satellites (10-500 kg) into Low Earth Orbit.
  • They are:
    • Cost-effective.
    • Faster for satellite deployment due to shorter flight times.
    • Three-stage launch vehicles with a lift-off weight of 120 tonnes and a length of 34 meters.


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