Indian Express Editorial Summary

Editorial Topic : Delhi and a New London: Navigating India-UK Relations

 GS-2 Mains Exam : IR

Delhi and a New London: Navigating India-UK Relations


  • Election Context: As the Tories face potential defeat in the UK elections, India looks to strengthen ties under a prospective Labour government led by Keir Starmer.
  • Need for Fresh Analysis: New Delhi must reassess its approach towards the new Labour government.

India-UK Relations Under the Conservatives

  • Positive Reorientation:
    • Colonial Baggage: Reduction in colonial-era policies.
    • Policy Shift: Focused on Indo-Pacific framework.
    • Roadmap: Green transition, defense, technology, and maritime security.
  • Migration and Mobility Agreement: Tackled illegal immigration and facilitated Indian talent flow to the UK.

Persistent Irritants in the Relationship

  • Anti-India Activities: Concerns over the freedom of anti-India activities in the UK.
  • Resistance in British Establishment: Enduring reluctance to fully embrace a fresh relationship with India.
  • Indian Domestic Posturing: Anti-colonial sentiments hindering progress.

Sour Memories from Labour Party’s Past Rule

  • 1997 Visit: Queen Elizabeth II’s visit and the ensuing diplomatic mishaps.
  • Kashmir Mediation Offer: Robin Cook’s controversial statement and subsequent fallout.
  • Jallianwala Bagh Visit: Controversial remarks by Prince Philip causing uproar.

Potential Concerns with Labour’s Return

  • Starmer’s Efforts:
    • Anti-India Fires: Efforts to quell anti-India sentiment within Labour.
    • 2019 Manifesto: Addressed contentious Kashmir references.
    • Community Outreach: Engagement with British Hindus and other minorities.

Diplomacy’s Task for Delhi

Engaging All Stakeholders

  • Curb Anti-India Activities: Maintain pressure on the UK to curb anti-India activities.
  • Engage Deep State: Develop protocols to manage diaspora-related issues.

Positive Engagement

  • Shedding Misconceptions: Recognize the strategic importance of the UK.
  • Economic and Political Gains: Leverage UK’s financial, technological, and global reach.

UK’s Significance for India

  • Economic Ties:
    • Trade: India’s exports to the UK are significant.
    • Global Influence: UK’s role as a middle power with substantial global influence.


  • No Pre-conceived Notions: Approach the new Labour government without biases.
  • Moderate Signals: Acknowledge Labour’s moderate stance on India.
  • Enhanced Engagement: Strengthen economic and political ties with the UK for mutual benefit.




Indian Express Editorial Summary

Editorial Topic : Cheetah Relocation to Gandhi Sagar Wildlife Sanctuary

 GS-2 Mains Exam : IR


Cheetah Relocation to Gandhi Sagar Wildlife Sanctuary

  • Reason for Relocation: Kuno National Park’s carrying capacity exceeded due to an overabundance of cheetahs.
    • 25% decline in chital (main prey) population in Kuno National Park.
    • Competition between cheetahs and leopards for prey.
  • Goal of Relocation: Restore ecological balance in Kuno by moving “surplus” cheetahs.
    • Project Cheetah aims to avoid repeating past mistakes with translocation as a temporary solution.
  • About Gandhi Sagar Wildlife Sanctuary (Madhya Pradesh):
    • Area: 368.62 sq km (142.32 sq mi)
    • Established: 1974 (notified), 1984 (added to sanctuary list)
    • Key features:
      • Khathiar-Gir dry deciduous forests ecoregion
      • Divided by Chambal River
      • Diverse topography (hills, plateaus, dam catchment)
  • Challenges of Relocation:
    • Removing existing leopards from the sanctuary.
    • Developing a larger habitat for cheetahs within the 3,600 km sanctuary.
    • Insufficient prey base at Gandhi Sagar as per a 2021 study.
    • Presence of multiple co-predators (sloth bears, hyenas, wolves, etc.).
    • Monitoring cheetah health after their extinction in India for over 70 years.
    • Learning from past setbacks in Project Cheetah to avoid fatalities.
  • Potential Additional Challenges:
    • Introducing a larger cat to control leopards might displace them, leading to human-animal conflict.
  • Project Cheetah’s Impact:
    • Sparked discussions on longstanding issues in Indian conservation.

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