The Hindu Editorial Summary : Topic- India’s Growing Interest in the Arctic

GS-2 Mains : IR 

Short Notes or Revision Notes 

Question : “Evaluate India’s strategic interests in the Arctic region. What are the key challenges and opportunities for India in balancing economic development with environmental conservation in the Arctic?”


  • December 2023: First Indian winter expedition to the Arctic begins in Oslo.

Reasons for Increased Focus:

  • Scientific data: Arctic warming at a faster pace than expected.
  • Economic benefits: Potential use of Arctic Sea routes (Northern Sea Route) for trade.
  • Geopolitical concerns: China’s growing Arctic investments and Russia’s expanded access for China to the Northern Sea Route.

India’s History in the Arctic:

  • Not a newcomer:
    • Signatory to the Svalbard Treaty (1920).
    • First research mission (2007).
    • Established an Arctic research base (2008) – only developing nation besides China.
    • Granted observer status by the Arctic Council (2013).
    • Established research stations focusing on Arctic ice and impact on Himalayas/monsoon.

Economic Debate:

  • Potential for resource extraction (oil, gas, minerals).
    • Proponents: Pragmatic approach for economic gains.
    • Skeptics: Environmental consequences, need for sustainable practices.

Collaboration Opportunities:

  • Norway (current Arctic Council chair): Close ties with India on Arctic/Antarctic research since 1980s.
  • India’s focus: Green energy, clean industries (building “responsible stakeholder” credentials).
  • Collaboration with other Arctic nations (Denmark, Finland) on waste management, pollution control, renewable energy.


  • Unequivocal support for sustainable resource development in the Arctic.
  • Partnership with Norway: Increased participation in Arctic Council working groups (blue economy, connectivity, infrastructure, etc.).
  • Finding ways to alleviate geopolitical tensions in the Arctic.



2.The Hindu Editorial Summary : Topic- New data law, a barrier to journalistic free speech

GS-2 Mains 

Short Notes or Revision Notes 

Question : “Discuss the implications of India’s Digital Personal Data Protection Act (DPDP) of 2023 on journalistic free speech. What are the potential challenges journalists might face in light of the absence of a journalistic exemption in the law?”


  • India’s first data protection law, the Digital Personal Data Protection Act (DPDP) Act of 2023, lacks a “journalistic exemption.”

Key Points:

  • Law’s Focus:User consent for data processing (access, erasure rights).
  • Potential Impact:
    • Journalists may need consent before publishing stories involving personal data (e.g., information about MPs).
    • Subjects of stories could request erasure (deletion) of published information.
    • Government can access data from processors, potentially harming source confidentiality.
    • Overall effect: Hinders journalists’ ability to hold power accountable (press freedom).

Deficient Public Consultation:

  • Three previous DPDP Act drafts included journalistic exemptions, withdrawn in the final version.
  • Editors Guild of India raised concerns about the lack of exemption.
  • Government released three drafts for public consultation, but:
    • Feedback details not publicly available.
    • Invite-only town halls limited open debate.
    • No explanation provided for removing the exemption.


  • Open and transparent public consultation process for future laws.
  • Government to create rules under the DPDP Act to:
    • Exempt journalistic entities (including citizen journalists) from DPDP Act obligations.
    • Ensure the law doesn’t negatively affect journalistic free speech.


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