Political Science and International Relations Optional

 Paper – 1 : 2018

(PSIR Optional)

Section – A

1. Comment on the following in about 150 words each: 10×5=50 marks

  • (a) John Stuart Mill is a ‘reluctant democrat”. – C. L. Wayper 10 marks
  • (b) Decline of Political Theory 10 marks
  • (c) Distributive Justice 10 marks
  • (d) Substantive Democracy 10 marks
  • (e) “Nothing against the State, nothing over it, nothing beyond it.” – Mussolini 10 marks


  • (a) Critically examine the neo-liberal theory of State. 20 marks
  • (b) Analyse John Rawls justification of discrimination to achieve the goals of Justice.15 marks
  • (c) Equality means fair treatment rather than equal treatment. Comment. 15 marks


  • (a) What do you understand by three generations of Human Rights? 20 marks
  • (b) Critically examine Macpherson’s views on Democracy. 15 marks
  • (c) Explain the relationship between power, authority and legitimacy. 15 marks


  • (a) John Locke is the father of liberalism. Explain. 20 marks
  • (b) Discuss Ambedkar’s ideas on ‘annihilation of caste’. 15 marks
  • (c) Critically examine Machiavelli’s views on religion and politics.15 marks

Section – B

5. Comment on the following in about 150 words each : 50×5=50 marks

  • (a) Revolt of 1857 is a ‘Sepoy Mutiny’ or ‘First War of Independence’. 10 marks
  • (b) Indian Constitution is a “Lawyers’ Paradise’. – Ivor Jennings 10 marks
  • (c) New Panchayat Raj is an effective instrument for women empowerment. 10 marks
  • (d) Implementation of GST and NEET is a major challenge to Indian federalism. 10 marks
  • (e) Political personalities are more significant than political parties in India. 10 marks


  • (a) Whether judicial activism has undermined or strengthened Parliamentary Democracy in India? Discuss. 20 marks
  • (b) Do the Lieutenant Governors have more powers than the Governors of the States ? Explain.15 marks
  • (c) Critically examine the ethnic conflicts in North-East India. 15 marks


  • (a) Examine the provisions of Panchayat Extension Services Act (PESA), 1996. 20 marks
  • (b) Analyse the arguments in favour and against the lateral entry into higher civil services in India. 15 marks
  • (c) Discuss asymmetrical federalism in India. 15 marks


  • (a) Examine the various causes of the agrarian crisis in India. 20 marks
  • (b) Explain the increasing role of regional political parties in national politics. 15 marks
  • (c) Critically analyse the environmentalist movement in Tuticorin, Tamilnadu. 15 marks

Political Science and International Relations Optional

 Paper – 2 : 2018

(PSIR Optional)

Section – A

Q1. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each: 10×5=50 marks

  • (a) Describe the changing nature of Comparative Politics. Briefly explain the Political Economy approach to the study of Comparative Politics. 10 marks
  • (b) Describe the changing nature of the State in the developing societies in the context of inclusive growth in the 21st century.10 marks
  • (c) How big a role does identity play in determining political participation in the developing countries? Discuss your answer with suitable illustrations. 10 marks
  • (d) Bring out the major differences between the Classical Realism of Hans Morgenthau and the Neorealism of Kenneth Waltz. 10 marks
  • (e) What, according to Joseph Nye, are the major sources of a country’s soft power? Discuss its relevance in contemporary world politics. 10 marks


  • (a) Discuss the significance of Non-Aligned Movement as a unique contribution of the Non- Western world to World Politics. 20 marks
  • (b) Discuss the consequences of Trump’s “America First” and Xi’s “Chinese Dream” on World Politics. 15 marks
  • (c) “Some feel Multinational Corporations (MNCs) are a vital new road to economic growth, whereas others feel they perpetuate underdevelopment.” Discuss. 15 marks


  • (a) Discuss the relevance of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 on the security of women in conflict zones. 20 marks
  • (b) Would you agree that the on-going debates on international environmental politics continue to be marred by a new North-South ideological divide over historical responsibility and developmental model? Illustrate your answer with suitable examples. 15 marks
  • (c) “Since its inception the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) has failed to deliver on its promises.” What initiatives should be taken to reinvigorate the organization? 15 marks


  • (a) Critically examine the notion of “Asian Values” in the context of the on-going debates on human rights. 20 marks
  • (b) Discuss the implications of the Trump-Kim Singapore Summit on the prospects of denuclearisation of the Korean Peninsula. | 15 marks
  • (c) Critically examine the Functionalist approach to the study of International Relations. 15 marks

Section – B

Q5. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each: 10×5=50 marks

  • (a). Do you agree with the view that the Indian Foreign Policy is increasingly being shaped by the Neoliberal outlook? Elaborate. | 10 marks
  • (b) “India is often said to have a rich strategic culture.” Discuss. 10 marks
  • (c) Evaluate India’s stand on the recent Rohingya refugee issue. 10 marks
  • (d) “India’s current foreign policy marks significant qualitative shifts from that of the previous regimes.” Discuss. 10 marks
  • (e) Analyse the significance of India’s Look East Policy in the light of concerns of the indigenous peoples of North-east India. 10 marks


  • (a) India’s coalitional diplomacy within the WTO has earned it wide appreciation. What accounts for the success of India’s coalitional diplomacy? 20 marks
  • (b) “India’s capacity building programmes under the Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation (ITEC) has earned much goodwill for it in Africa.” Discuss. 15 marks
  • (c) “India’s Research and Information System for Developing Countries” (RIS) is a major initiative in the area of South-South Cooperation. Discuss. 15 marks


  • (a) Discuss the role of the Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR) in promoting India’s soft power abroad. 20 marks
  • (b) Discuss the role of Indian diaspora in promoting Indo-US relations. 15 marks
  • (c) Discuss the various impediments in India’s way to a permanent seat in the Security Council. 15 marks


  • (a) Do you think that India’s capacity-building role in Afghanistan has shrunk the strategic space for Pakistan there ? Discuss. 20 marks
  • (b) Critically assess the evolving convergence of India and China in the areas of trade and environment. 15 marks
  • (c) Do you agree that the growing assertiveness of China is leading to multilayered Indo-Japan relations? Comment. 15 marks

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