Political Science and International Relations Optional (PSIR Optional) Paper– 1 : 2019

Section – A

1. Comment on the following in about 150 words each: 10×5=50 marks

  • (a) Resurgence of political theory. 10 marks
  • (b) Pluralist theory of the State.10 marks
  • (c) End of Ideology debate.10 marks
  • (d) Deliberative democracy. 10 marks
  • (e) M. K. Gandhi’s concept of Swaraj.10 marks


  • (a)Explain Aristotle’s critique of Plato’s Idealism. 20 marks
  • (b) Examine communitarian perspectives on justice. 15 marks
  • (c) Compare negative and positive concepts of liberty. 15 marks


  • (a) According to Gramsci, ‘hegemony is primarily based on the organization of consent.’ Comment. 20 marks
  • (b) Discuss Kautilya’s views on the elements of the State.15 marks
  • (c) Distinguish between liberal feminism and radical feminism. 15 marks


  • (a) Critically examine Hannah Arendt’s conceptual triad of labour, work and action. 20 marks
  • (b) Discuss the doctrine of ‘rights as trumps’. 15 marks
  • (c) What is the contemporary relevance of Marxism? 15 marks

Section – B

5. Comment on the following in about 150 words each: 50×5=50 marks

  • (a) Unity and integrity of India was perhaps the single uppermost factor in the minds of the Constitution makers. Comment. 10
  • (b) Dalit perspective on Indian national movement. Discuss.
  • (c) Despite constitutional mandate the Inter-State Council has not come of age. Discuss.
  • (d) Political decentralization has not been matched by administrative decentralization at the grassroots level. Explain
  • (e) Write short note on the significance of the Chipko Movement.


  • (a) National movement in India was anti-imperialist and increasingly radical in its socio-economic and political programs. Discuss.
  • (b) What has been the political fallout of the Green Revolution in India? Explain.
  • (c) The changing socio-economic profile of our legislators does not augur well for the health of Indian democracy. Comment.


  • (a) Development has overshadowed the influence of caste in electoral behaviour in recent elections. Discuss.
  • (b) The Comptroller and Auditor-General of India enhances the accountability of the Government and serves as the watchdog of the finances of the Government. Explain.
  • (c) Discuss, in brief, the role of the National Commission for women. Do you think it is a toothless organization?


  • (a) “The basic structure doctrine is implicit in the Indian Constitution; the Supreme Court has only given it an explicit form.” Comment.
  • (b) Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) has emerged as the most powerful institution in India. Discuss.
  • (c) Comment on the relevance of the Directive Principles of State Policy in an era of liberalization and globalization

Political Science and International Relations Optional (PSIR Optional)

Paper  – 2 : 2019

Section – A

Q1. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each: 10×5=50 marks

  • (a) Discuss the utility of Nuclear Deterrence Theory in the context of the recent standoff between India and Pakistan. 10 marks
  • (b) Write a brief note on the 17th NAM Summit in Venezuela. 10 marks
  • (c) In what way does the predominance of the USA in the UN funding affect its decision-making? 10 marks
  • (d) Evaluate the role of BIMSTEC in multi-sectoral technical and economic cooperation. 10 marks
  • (e) Do you think that sustainable development goals are really attainable by 2030? 10 marks


  • (a) Examine the significance of the comparative method in political analysis. Discuss its limitations. 20 marks
  • (b) Explain the reasons for low voter turnout in democratic countries with suitable examples. 15 marks
  • (c) Evaluate the role of the International Court of Justice in inter-State disputes. 15 marks


  • (a) Explain the relevance of the Marxist approach in the context of globalization. 20 marks
  • (b) Identify the benefits of a multi-polar world. 15 marks
  • (c) Discuss the importance of personal data protection in the context of human rights. 15 marks


  • (a) How are the rising powers challenging the USA and Western dominance in the IMF and the World Bank? 20 marks
  • (b) Write an essay on ‘New Social Movements in developing countries.15 marks
  • (c) Is democracy promotion in developing countries a feasible idea? 15 marks

Section – B

Q5. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each: 10×5=50 marks

  • (a) Examine the role of ‘parliamentary diplomacy’ in India’s foreign policy. 10 marks
  • (b) Compare and contrast Non-alignment 1.0 with Non-alignment 2.0. 10 marks
  • (c) How is India pursuing her foreign policy objectives through the IBSA Dialogue Forum (India, Brazil and South Africa)? 10 marks
  • (d) How is India responding to the idea of Indo-Pacific?10 marks
  • (e) “The growing closeness between India and Israel will strengthen the cause of Palestine.” Comment. 10 marks


  • (a) Describe briefly China’s ‘One Belt One Road (OBOR)’ Initiative and analyze India’s major concerns. 20 marks
  • (b) What are the current issues in Brahmaputra River water sharing between India and China? 15 marks
  • (c) Analyze the recent trends in India’s role in the UN peacekeeping operations. 15 marks


  • (a) Examine the increasing significance of maritime security in India’s foreign policy. 20 marks
  • (b) Write a brief note on India’s interests in West Asia. 15 marks
  • (c) How is the current standoff between the USA and Iran affecting India’s energy security? 15 marks


  • (a) Evaluate India’s vision of a new world order. 20 marks
  • (b) Critically examine India’s position on South China Sea Dispute. 15 marks
  • (c) Given the recent developments in the region, do you think that there is a need to change India’s ‘No First Use (NFU)’ nuclear policy?15 marks

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